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Comment Re:Distinguishing conflict from disagreement (Score 1, Insightful) 1152

I agree with that, but many of his quotes are insulting, not disagreements. First of all, he paints all religions with the same brush. Some religions actively encourage scientific inquiry, some religions tell you to question your faith, and some discourage inquiry and questions. Taking them all the same is insulting, and saying that religion is actively damaging to the world is insulting as well.

Dawkins is a smart man, but I think he actively damages relations between atheists and theists. I have a sister who would be atheist but she doesn't want to be associated with people like that. I know many other people who are atheist, but don't take on the label because of how antagonistic atheists like Dawkins are.

Comment Re:Bigger not better (Score 1) 275

From the article I read elsewhere, the Motorola purchase is what caused the drop in profit. If it weren't for that purchase they would have been more profitable, although still not as profitable as wall street had forecasted. So, while the purchase itself might cause some concern, the numbers alone shouldn't.

Now, as to whether the purchase of Motorola is a sign that Google's on the decline is an interesting question.

Comment Re:Wrap rage...? (Score 1) 639

People keep i* packaging? That's kinda weird and squirrelly.

My wife and I use our iPad box as a random box for gift giving. It's the perfect size for a lot of our gifts and disguises the size of what's inside. It also gives the recipient a brief "HOLY SHIT!" moment before they realize it's not an iPad, it's something else inside an iPad box.

Keeping it because it's beautiful is just dumb, though.

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