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Comment Brittle (Score -1, Troll) 311

Nuclear power seems to add brittleness to the system. They get shut down when it is too hot in the summer. They extend blackouts by being too big to fail gracefully. And, they don't allow consumers access to the lowest cost power by failing to shut down when not needed. They seem to add more problems than they solve.

Comment NRC ranks Pilgrim among worst US nuclear plants (Score -1, Troll) 311

" Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth will continue to be classified by the federal government as one of the worst performers among nuclear power plants in the country, at least for now, based on a recent inspection.

Neil Sheehan, a spokesman for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said Entergy Corp., the plant's owner and operator, put together adequate action plans to address past issues there, related to a series of unplanned shutdowns, but the utility fell short on execution.

"It has to do with follow through on the corrective actions," Sheehan said. "Some weren't completed as intended, and others were closed before actions were completed."

Pilgrim was downgraded to among nine of the poorest performing nuclear plants in the country in February 2014, based on unplanned shutdowns and shutdowns with complications during 2013. Federal regulators said Entergy had to determine the root causes for the shutdowns and implement corrective actions. The plant was downgraded to a category that required federal regulators watch it more closely. The recent inspection could have moved the plant back to the group requiring only regular inspections.

"They told us when they were ready for an inspection, and we sent an eight-member team who found they had deficiencies in the execution of corrective action as well as in understanding of the causes of the issues," Sheehan said. "The net effect is we'll have to go back for another inspection."

Submission + - Unreliable nuclear plant down for snowstorm ( 1

mdsolar writes: Pilgrim Power Plant in Plymouth was taken offline line Saturday in anticipation of the weekend snowstorm. According to a statement from Entergy, the owner of Pilgrim, the plant was taken off line in preparation of "a potential loss of offsite power or the grid's inability to accept the power Pilgrim generates."

This is the second time this season the plant has been shut down due to storm conditions. On January 27 the facility was taken offline after the two main power transmission lines were knocked out by blizzard conditions. Although the transmission lines were restored within a few days, the plant remained offline until February 7 at which time it was reconnected to the grid.

Comment Megacorps are hostile to the open Internet (Score 4, Insightful) 69

The Internet was founded upon the idea of open interoperation between all endpoints and federation between different instances of the same service protocol (think of SMTP and globally interoperating MTAs). These concepts were so fundamental that they are mentioned explicitly in the IETF Mission Statement as their central goal.

Then Big Business came along, and they didn't like the concept of a level playing field of unhindered interoperation and federation. Now almost every large corporation is trying to fence off their little corner of the Internet into a private realm which they guard jealously. Other companies are denied interoperation unless they pay up (or it's denied entirely), and federation between like services is virtually unknown. There is no "Facebook service" which anyone can install and then be able to federate their content to and from Facebook as peers.

Virtually all of the megacorps today are behaving this way: Facebook, Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Apple, Microsoft, and so on. They all hate the open Internet, and have closed it off at the application layers of the protocol stack so that you have to be an enrolled member of their private realm to participate. The closing of APIs is par for the course as they don't want interoperation, and federation even less. TFS is spot on.

At least we still have federated SMTP and unrestricted search engines, although probably that's only because they're data mining our email and search queries. It's no longer the open Internet we once had, but more a system of feudal lords and their private domains, and everyone else is a peasant.

It's a severe regression of Internet utility, and it's of benefit only to them.

Submission + - Fossil Fuel Industry Funds Study That Concludes Fossil Fuel Divestment Is A Bad (

mdsolar writes: As of September 2014, 181 institutions and local governments as well as 656 individual investors representing more than $50 billion in assets had pledged to join the growing fossil fuel divestment movement, which seeks to take investments away from the oil, gas and coal companies that are cooking our atmosphere and reinvest that money in the development of a low-carbon economy.

This has, understandably, caused quite a bit of alarm amongst the fossil fuel set.

Enter Daniel Fischel, chairman and president of economic consulting firm Compass Lexecon, who recently published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal called “The Feel-Good Folly of Fossil-Fuel Divestment” in which he discussed the findings of a forthcoming report that “indicates that fossil-fuel divestment could significantly harm an investment portfolio.”

Fischel goes out of his way to appear to have the interests of the poor universities called on to divest at heart: “Every bit of economic and quantitative evidence available to us today shows that the only entities punished under a fossil-fuel divestment regime are the schools actually doing the divesting,” he concludes.

You had to get past the WSJ’s paywall and then read to the bottom of the piece before you got to the most salient point: “The report discussed in this op-ed, ‘Fossil Fuel Divestment: A Costly and Ineffective Investment Strategy,’ was financed by the Independent Petroleum Association of America.”

Comment It's an attempt at a PC-like standard for ARM (Score 2) 35

Does this give us anything Raspberry Pi didn't?

If successful, it would give the ARM world a PC-like, vendor-neutral standard architecture, and so it would counteract the horrible balkanization of ARM communities by every manufacturer's boards being different.

Even if this doesn't succeed, standardization is a very worthwhile goal for ARM (just as it was for x86 PCs), and it's quite important that a broadly funded organization has recognized the need. It will also usher in the days of ARM64, at last.

There is one glaring omission in the spec though, the lack of Ethernet. No Ethernet means extremely limited sales outside of mobile, and at the HiKey's price of $129 it has to be gigabit Ethernet at that.

Comment Nuclear power is not 'low carbon' (Score 1) 309

"Claims that nuclear power is a 'low carbon' energy source fall apart under scrutiny, writes Keith Barnham. Far from coming in at six grams of CO2 per unit of electricity for Hinkley C, as the Climate Change Committee believes, the true figure is probably well above 50 grams - breaching the CCC's recommended limit for new sources of power generation beyond 2030."

Submission + - McGill University faculty members call for divestment from fossil fuels (

mdsolar writes: Over 200 Faculty members at McGill University are calling on the institution to divest its endowment fund of fossil fuel companies, “with an immediate focus on companies heavily involved in the Canadian oil sands.”

The McGill Faculty for Divestment sent a letter to the McGill University Board of Governors, calling on the Board to immediately dump fossil fuel companies from its portfolio, citing environmental and climate grounds.

“Reducing dependency on fossil fuels is an urgent matter,” said McGill medical anthropologist Dr. Margaret Lock, a signatory to the letter, Officer of the Order of Canada and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.

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