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Comment Re:1337 (Score 1) 342

My computers asset tag is 1337. Granted, I dug around in the bin of stickers for about an hour before I found it.. And within 5 minutes of me placing that sticker on my case, my hard drive died. A week later my dvd burner went out. And then a month later my new dvd burner went out. Don't buy HP; or don't give your computer asset #1337. One or the other.

Comment Re:Use CASH (Score 1) 239

What if I get mugged? I would lose my $10! I live perfectly within my means, and I work part time. I always use my debit card, using cash would be too inconvenient. First I would have to go to the ATM every week, or every few days, then I would need to get a bigger wallet. My current wallet only holds 4 cards and not a thing over. Now I would also have to keep track of not only my bank account balance, but also my current cash balance. Too much!

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I find you lack of faith in the forth dithturbing. - Darse ("Darth") Vader
