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Comment Re:Fracking takes water out of action (Score 1) 191

Water is a finite resource.

That's a gross misrepresentation. It's not like it boils off into space after it comes out of a well, it can be reused. There are several cities that have switched over to using filtered sewage for drinking water, and """contiminated""" frac water isn't any more polluted.

Comment So, where is ... (Score 1, Troll) 1134

1. Chivalry was actual a battle code, and had little to do with women 2. What you're talking about is "courtship" a set of rules, written by women, about how men are supposed to act around them to gain their favor (favor defined as vaginas) 3. "courtship" was an unwritten social contract for BOTH sexes. Ergo a man acted like a gentleman to win the favor of a lady. HOWEVER, it required women to ACT LIKE A GODDAMN LADY. 4. Acting like a goddamn lady includes not taking nude selfies, not being a slut, and realizing that you're not a man's equal and you need his protection because he possesses, at all times, the physical capability to take what he wants from you (yes, rape). 5. Modern, slutty, women have broken this social contract by virtue (or lack therefore) of their sluttiness, and push for equality. Therefore men are no longer beholden to it. So where are the chivalrous men? They're lying atop the dustbin of history. Although, sadly, their are some idiots who still hold to their half of the bargain while women REFUSE to hold to theirs. We call these men betas. They're so pathetically ego-invested in chivalry that they can't see that it's null and void. Sounds like your'e one of them...or you're a lady who desperately wants men to hold their half of the bargain up because it's hella-advantegeous to you.

Comment Re:Again?! (Score 1) 1134

So what if gaming culture isn't woman friendly. Does every. single. fucking. thing. in existence have to be!? Cuz that's basically what you're advocating. It is OK to have male-only spaces. No, really. This idea that everything should be either female-only (because these special snowflakes need special non-man spaces for their unicornness) or unisex is absofuckinglutely misandrous and absurd.

Comment Re:Nobody has the right not to be offended. (Score 0) 1134

"What, do you think the outcome of this is that the police are going to start going around forcing you to make friends with women? You can be as much of an asshole as you want. But other people are equally free to call you out for it." No, apparently the leftoid internet police will remove your anonymity, or just outright silence your voice via post deletion and site-banning.

Comment Re:Astroturfing for Hillary Clinton (Score 1) 1134

"Because, really, death threats? Threats to rape her? The crap I've seen in the coverage about this pretty much means this isn't hand-wringing and moralizing ... this is a sign of some pretty terrible (if not criminal) behavior." But that only matters when it happens to a woman. It's only credible when it happens to a woman. It only gets coverage when it happens to a woman.

Do you even multiplayer, dude? I've had prepubescent boys threaten death in the most gruesome of ways from stomping them at CoD. And what about Blizzard's WoW dev team? Ever seen the shit slung at them when they make a big change that someone doesn't like? Gruesome, empty, threats are part and parcel with game dev, and everyone either deals with it as such, or cracks and quits. That is, unless it happens to a woman, then the massive MSM spin machine fires up, starts doxxing people on twitter, deletes posts and bans users on reddit, and a whole host of other bullshit to UTTERLY BURY the truth. Misandry and leftoid politicism will destroy video games. And you'll be there cheerleading it, apparently.

Comment it's the anonymity (Score 1) 579

Women, as a generality, are much more concerned about garnering attention for themselves. Hence, massive selfie collections and statuses that beg their friends to ask "what's wrong?" Wikipedia is all about others. It just doesn't appeal to women, and only an egalitarian equalist (aka reality denier) would find issue with that.

Comment Just tell them (Score 1) 1262

Come on, we all know why it is. Just fucking tell them. Tell them that it's their first instinct because they don't want to believe that they could be part of the problem,

Or...or....people are just fucking tired of EVERYTHING having to be about narrative/progress/social justice, and we just want people who have made their lives about such things to get some kind of new hobby/career, and stop destroying everything in the name of ideology.

Comment Re:Just proves the point (Score 1) 1262

TIL: life is who buys games, and not men. I guess all that market research gaming companies do that says x genre and y style of game predominantly is purchased by men is out the window, and instead of targetting an audience you should make everything ever accessible to everyone ever because potato. God I hope the gaming industry DOESN'T think like otherwise, we'll have a whole host of shitty games like Depression Quest instead of games that people actually want to buy.

That's how games get released with no female character options, or female NPC's with redonkulous boobs, because the guys making the game just never put in a second to think "how will women, who are a huge factor in life, think about this".

Comment Re:Just proves the point (Score 0) 1262

Your sarcasm further proves his point: Leftoids want to use negatively connotated labels like "racist," "sexist," and....drumroll..."bigot" to silence even the POSSIBILITY of rational/logical discussion. In your(there) rhetoric, labelling your argument opponent with one of these somehow means that you win by default; That someone you can stamp with one of these labels can't even add 2+2 anymore, and is therefore not worth the words; That there's absolutely no rationality, no science, no studies, no statistics, that could possibly support any of these bad "isms" and that anyone who subscribes to them (or anyone the leftoid can snap-label as associating with them...which violates two core components of the liberal platform: tolerance and non-judgementalism) has to be so feces-flinging, glass licking insane that they're not even human anymore. And the disgusting part is: since you now comprise the majority...you have enough cheerleaders in any sufficiently large group that you've internalized this process as sensible and honest.

Comment Apparently the trolls are out here, too (Score 2, Insightful) 1262

And of course they are all posting as "Anonymous Coward."

But of course. No one wants to risk getting Eich'ed or doxxed because they don't toe the SJW/leftoid/women-as-perpetual-victim line. And yes...I'm posting this with my username. I'm sure some extremist feminist will dox me as has been seen to be the "best defense is a good offense" approach to dealing with said transgressions in the Zoe Quinn case.

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