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Comment Re:really? (Score 1) 901

difficult if not impossible to find the original file

Usually, when data is important and/or valuable, it is backed up. If the history of changes is needed, revision control system is used.

title block on each page, and this process took roughly 5000 hours

Is it possible to script it? Even if it takes the same amount of time to produce the script. An added benefit - you can change that title next time really quickly.

Comment Re:What about spam? (Score 2, Interesting) 243

from "interesting" countries

I wasn't from an "interesting" country, still took them 2.5 years. The only "interesting" part was - I had to pay hundreds every year for work permit extension. And it's even more expensive now. Immigration process is broken, but nobody care since immigrant cannot vote for at least 5 ears. Poor FBI is swamped with that kind of bs. The VCF would probably help, but we all know where it all went. They should have just asked all the programmers waiting for their background check to contribute some time to that project, that might have saved it...

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