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World Is Ignoring Most Important Lesson From Fukushima 328

mdsolar writes "Kenichi Ohmae, an MIT-trained nuclear engineer also widely regarded as Japan's top management guru, is dean of Business Breakthrough University. In the CSM he writes: 'Fukushima's most important lesson is this: Probability theory (that disaster is unlikely) failed us. If you have made assumptions, you are not prepared. Nuclear power plants should have multiple, reliable ways to cool reactors. Any nuclear plant that doesn't heed this lesson is inviting disaster.'"

Comment Gamestops problems (Score 1) 351

Gamestop have also taken a perfectly good download based games portal (Impulse) and removed any semblance of customer service and putting the customer first. Have been having massive problems trying to buy ONE title from their service, and they have been of zero help trying to resolve it. I have now given up and have resolved to never give Impulse any more money. Way to take a smallish games portal and trash it's customer base Gamestop!

Comment I'm not 100% certain (Score 1) 272

But I think that this gag may have been due to the French surrender to Nazi Germany in 1940. The French government were offered a way of not having to surrender (in my opinion it was an insane idea they were offered) but chose instead to capitulate. It is indeed daft to use that one instance to paint a picture of the entire history of French military power.

Comment This! (Score 1) 407

This! A thousand times this! Hyperbole over exactly how much money has passed them by from the AC aside, this is why you aim for the best in customer service, and sadly this is seemingly becoming a rarity rather than commonplace. When the PHBs actually get it it will, of course, be too late for WorstBuy.

Caveat: As a Brit my only encounter with these guys was visiting relatives across the pond 9 years ago, and helping them shop for computer peripherals. Bestbuy's service was reasonable on that occasion (must have been lucky), but nothing particularly amazing

Comment nonsense alert! (Score 5, Insightful) 714

Fail, dude. Just fail. Ever hire in Europe? There is a lot more red tape to go through. Europeans have mandatory vacation time, and they will take it.

It's not just that we will take their vacation it just because it's been _earned_. It's actually legally required. Something called a work life balance

Overtime pay goes up exponentially.

Want to cite some sources for this nonsense rhetoric?

And they actually enforce this as opposed to burying it in some court docket.

So you think that laws to protect citizens of a country and their rights should not actually be enforced?

Firing is worse.

So you think that citizens should have zero rights to actally know they have a job for longer than the 5 minutes you can be bothered to pay them?

Don't forget that you have to pay a lot more taxes (think 60% VAT for starters.)

You think that anywhere in the EU there is a sales tax of 60%? What the hell have you been smoking?

Stop disparaging the US until you get a clue.

Stop disparaging the system in other countries until _you_ get a clue


Japan's Damaged Reactor Has High Radiation, No Water 282

mdsolar passes along this quote from an Associated Press report: "One of Japan's crippled nuclear reactors still has fatally high radiation levels and hardly any water to cool it, according to an internal examination Tuesday that renews doubts about the plant's stability. A tool equipped with a tiny video camera, a thermometer, a dosimeter and a water gauge was used to assess damage inside the No. 2 reactor's containment chamber for the second time since the tsunami swept into the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant a year ago. The probe done in January failed to find the water surface and provided only images showing steam, unidentified parts and rusty metal surfaces scarred by exposure to radiation, heat and humidity. The data collected from the probes showed the damage from the disaster was so severe, the plant operator will have to develop special equipment and technology to tolerate the harsh environment and decommission the plant, a process expected to last decades."

Comment It doesn't work that way in practice (Score 1) 269

Here in the UK, we have this. It works really well when combined with a publicity campaign. Anyone buying a phone that then turns out to be stolen goes to the police, and if they bought it from some person in the pub, with no way of tracing that person, then more fool them, they just learned a valuable lesson.

Why Linux Can't 'Sell' On the Desktop 1091

New submitter VoyagerRadio writes "Recently I found myself struggling with a question I should easily have been able to answer: Why would anyone want to use Linux as their everyday desktop (or laptop) operating system? It's a fair question, and asked often of Linux, but I'm finding it to be a question I can no longer answer with the conviction necessary to 'sell' the platform. In fact, I kind of feel like a car salesman who realizes he no longer believes in the product he's been pitching. It's not that I don't find Linux worthy; I simply don't understand how it's ever going to succeed on the desktop with voluntary marketing efforts. What do Linux users need to do to replicate the marketing efforts of Apple and Microsoft and other corporate operating system vendors? To me, it seems you don't sell Linux at all because there isn't supposed to be one dominant distribution that stands out from the rest. Without a specific product to put on the shelf to sell, what in the world do you focus your efforts on selling? An idea?"

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
