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Comment Re:Shit man, I bet... (Score 2, Interesting) 190

That's all fine and good, but profanity is words, like any other word. If I say shit, I'm in trouble. if I say poop, it's okay. Why? Why make one word worse than another of the same meaning? Somehow, saying God dangit instead of God Dammit is better. Won't you be going to hell for both anyway?

Comment Re:Good Call (Score 1) 190

Well, from what I've read, it's not judgment per se, but the complete processing of the possible consequences involved in a decision that doesn't fully develop until early adulthood. I'm not sure this applies to the issue at hand, though, except maybe that they'll stay up too late playing. The part of the brain that knows right and wrong are developed by the age of six, and that is ultimately what will stop them from going on a killing rampage. So maybe you ought not let a four year old play the game, but I don't see a problem with teenagers.

Comment Re:I hope P.B. win this trial (Score 1) 406

4. The site is not linking to content they 'know' is illegal. The process is fully automatic and the computer does not know what is illegal and what isn't. The people who 'know' are those who upload the links in the first place.

On this particular point: I think that the Napster case proved that not knowing that a file is illegal is not a valid defense.
All of your other points are spot on, though.

Comment Re:I hope P.B. win this trial (Score 1, Interesting) 406

I think it would be would be more analogous to you sending someone to a place where they could buy stolen goods. Whether or not you profit from the sale of these goods is irrelevant; you knowingly enabled the sale of said goods. I think a jury could go either way on this, the big difference being that copyright violation isn't a felony... Is there such a thing as an accessory to a civil crime?

Comment Re:Blizzard is doing a lot of damage to the indust (Score 1) 498

Windows Vista Home (or any that aren't Ultimate) state in their EULA that they may not be run under a VM. If I were to install it under VMWare server, by these points above, VMWare could be sued out of business and the CEO should go to jail.

Not true, because there are legitimate reasons to use it beyond those that violate an EULA. If its only purpose was to illegally run Windows, then they would have a case.

Comment Re:Cheaper by the dozen (Score 1) 626

I'd like to see a Windows-free educational system.

That would be nice if people had the dedication to try and understand Linux; the fact of the matter is that while it may be a better operating system, it's far more difficult to use than Windows. I honestly don't understand why even a relatively easy to use distribution such as Ubuntu occasionally requires hours of reading and editing of config files to get everything working, whereas with Windows everything usually works out of the box. I suppose it has a lot to do with vendor support.

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