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Comment Re:Time to put PC Pro on a list like this... (Score 1) 203

The Dell ZinoHD 410 is less expensive, nearly as small, and vastly superior in almost every way.

even at the $499 price point. Let alone offering one for $299.

and it's not atom based or something vaguely modern from intel at nearly twice the size.

it also makes an EXCELLENT HTPC in every way the mini does not.


Comment Re:Tablets Suck (Score 1) 169

not too mention they are actually decent travel visual media consumption devices.
I don't currently own an iPad or similar, but i did get a chance to play around with one over the holidays, and it was actually nice for sitting in the "back of the bus" and watching a movie with headphones.
nicer screen than most built in vehicle dvd systems, bigger than using my cellphone.

and my kid thought it was nice to play simple little games on when he was bored.

Comment Re:Not Really Sold on the Correlations (Score 1) 209

google may require 8 characters now, but they havent always. i have 6 character passwords on several gmail accounts.

and another thing i'd like to point out.
just because a person uses an "easy" password for something as trivial as a "commenting" user login, doesnt mean they use the same type of password on something more important.
anyone who used/uses the gawker commenting system knows it's a heaving pile of shit, and that may lead people to utilize simpler passwords because they routinely cannot get the system to send them "forgotten password" emails in a timely manner.
Also, my guess is many people have set up sock accounts (noooo, that never happens on commenting systems) and these accounts may very well likely be the ones with "easy" passwords and they utilize "throw away" email accounts like yahoo and msn to create them.

Comment Re:I'd rather make peanuts telecommuting (Score 1) 470

as someone who lives in one of the "boonies" to Des Moines, I love paying $650.month for rent and working from home for my IT job.

my income of $50k plus bonuses leaves me with a LOT of disposable income every month, after maxing out my Roth IRA every year as well.

And I'm single with two vehicles and plenty of toys.

God love living in the "boonies" if that's what I'm doing.

Comment Re:Root servers located in the US would be orphane (Score 1) 569

welcome to most of the United States.
You know, the part that contains the normal everyday Joe's who just go to work, do their jobs, and go home to be with their families / friends.

That's the majority of Americans.
Not the moron's displayed on the national/world media on a daily basis.

Comment Re:Bad timing. (Score 1) 646

the younger voters are the ones i saw standing o nthe street corner with obama signs and doing whatever their "teacher" told them to at the local state university.

so no, i dont think we need more younger, and dumber, voters voting.

most young people vote either the same as their parents, or are easily swayed by the rhetoric (think obama supporters in the last election cycle) simply because they havn't lived long enough to truly understand that cynicism comes not from a lack of self esteem like professors like to say, but rather from real world experience.

after all, we don't think the DOT sucks to visit to get our licenses because of lack of self esteem, but rather because we've been there (more than once) to actually stand in line, wait through the stupidity, and have to deal with people who are making no attempt to do anything outside their job description simply because they are faced with dealing with idiots day in and day out.

Comment Re:Bad timing. (Score 2, Interesting) 646

and a lot of those foreclosures aren't real foreclosures but are instead simply "walk-a-ways" where the owner has understood the loss in value is to large to financially recoup in any near term, and thus decided to simply "give it back" and not take the loss on the property.

And funny enough, many of them still are granted credit to get a new place to live at a slightly higher interest rate on a nearby property that has already taken the serious loss of value and thus they are actually getting the same house, for less overall money, and can pay it off quicker by paying the same amount monthly they were before their "foreclosure".

in fact, this is common enough in florida that there were several newspaper articles pertaining to the exact steps to follow to do so.

Yeah for fiscal responsibility at the expense of moral responsibility!!!

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