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Comment Re:To bad that non college education does not resp (Score 1) 102

I've seen too many University grads who assume that a piece of paper means they are more intelligent, wise, and skillful than someone without one even if that person has years of experience; not understanding that such an attitude belies those assumptions.

More specifically, employers think a piece of paper is everything and they have absolute control of decent wages.

In the U.S., experience still seems to mean something.

Unfortunately, with zero experience, there are hardly any employers that will hire you without a degree. Employers need to start taking responsibility for workforce training again.

Comment Re:Not a practical solution to our energy problem (Score 1) 152

However, I don't think this is a "solution" to the problem of energy in the future. It will produce some, but not all of our needs, and there will be significant energy inputs required to make it work.

The era of plentiful natural fossil fuel reserves will end. With that in mind, we have to start thinking about liquid fuels like ethanol as energy storage. It will take significant energy input to make any highly-energy-dense substance, but we can use that process to capture vast amounts of energy (solar, nuclear fission, fusion?!?) for use in those internal-combustion clunkers.

That said, we will be far more worried about the abysmal efficiency of internal combustion engines if we think of the fuel as chemical energy storage.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 3, Insightful) 121

Show me ONE climate model that has accurately predicted anything, ever.

With impossibly high standards like yours, it's a wonder any other physical model still holds up.

QED, for instance, will never accurately predict where a photon is going to land, but it will give you the probability of a photon hitting a specific area. Probability is a huge part of science and no scientist will tell you anything is 100% certain. Very high certainty for a range of conditions is what a model is intended to provide.

Comment Simple reason (Score 5, Funny) 341

Oh, but this is simple. People are rude when, well... Well let me tell you a story of my friend called Dave.

Dave was an ordinary boy with wild imagination. He was popular with the guys for several reasons, but the fact that he and his mother let us play GoldenEye on his Nintendo64 wasn't easy to ignore. All of us guys used to gather at his house and play a few rounds of the great multiplayer experience that only the original GoldenEye gave.

I noticed that people tented to get angry during the game. They would verbally attack other players and even punch them a bit. Dave didn't - he actually seemed quite an non-aggressive fella. What was the secret to Dave's non-aggressive and non-rude behavior? Because his mother made him these wonderful home cooked pizzas. He wasn't angry because he ate well!

Comment Re:Philosophical thought experiment (Score 1) 580

If you still support the ban on child pornography then why isn't there a ban on obscene "teen erotica" literature? Why not ban text descriptions, or ban stories which encourage child abuse?

No actual people are physically harmed.

It's funny, because the whole premise of shows like Jackass are stupid people harming themselves on video. I don't see that sort of material becoming "illegal to possess" anytime soon.

With the incredibly broad definition of what constitutes "child pornography" in the U.S., photos taken by teenagers of their own bodies are CP. Any possession of this is a thought crime, and material will still be produced as long as kids have cameras. It's completely unenforceable.

Comment UNIX Differences (Score 4, Funny) 454

When looking for a Windows expert you have to look past the first appearance. I am a hardcore tomato sauce fan. And when I say hardcore, I mean it. Tomato sauce is the base of any pizza we all so like. But beyond that Windows admin can look almost anything, and still be completely usable. Just like your favorite pan pizza.

The best way to illustrate differences between Windows and UNIX admins is the way they use space. The base of the system is usually laid out differently. In UNIX you have / whereas in Windows you use C:\ and other drive letters. It's like the difference between normal italian style pizza and american pan pizza.

Let me tell you a story about a friend from my childhood. He loves Linux. You could say he is Linux power user. Back in the 90's I was over his apartment and we kept playing this Nintendo64 game called GoldenEye. It was awesome. Split-screen multiplayer and even while we could see each other, we still loved it. The levels were laid out beatifically and played out very nicely.

But at some point you obviously become hungry. Then I got an idea.. "Let's call some pizzas over!", I uttered and tried to reach to the phone. However, it was way too far. I crashed down from the couch and now I was rolling around on the floor. My stomach was so big and soft that it kept me in motion and I rolled over the table where the telephone was, crashing it on the floor and breaking it. I said "damn it".. And we didn't get any pizza until we went out in the open. But we still did it, proudly. We were the goldeneye playing pizza bros!

I think the main point is that whatever obstacles you may find with your new friend there is always way to get around them. With pizza.

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