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Comment Re:FAKE (Score 2) 80

You don't.

They made an NES program that had a Netflix-like interface, and a fuckton of, basically, static images that were flipbooked onto the screen, and stuck it onto a cartridge. It's like showing somebody a series of screenshots of a website, and claiming to be accessing the website. Or watching an animated GIF clip of a movie, and claiming to be 'streaming the movie.'

That said, the NES did, in fact, have network capabilities. Nothing that was released outside of Japan, admittedly.

Comment Re:like benghazi (Score 1) 609

There's a difference between 'lets do cultural exchanges between our cities!' and 'Attention foreign government: Don't bother negotiating with our President, cuz we'll do everything we can to sabotage whatever he comes up with.'

Like the man said, whodathunk sitting representatives of the US government would find common cause with Iranian hardliners over their own, elected president?

Comment Re:Fascism largely a creation of director Verhoeve (Score 1) 331

Discussion point: Can it be said to be voluntary if it's necessary for a major societal function?

Also, look at the example of Rico's father. At the beginning of the book, he's dismissive, possibly even contemptuous, in a non-malicious way, of Federal Service. He proclaims that voting isn't important anyway, and that people should do 'real work.'

Of course, once Bueno Ares is hit, he changes his tune right quick and signs right up, for military service, thus proving that his original statements were, short-sighted and wrong.

SST the book wasn't, I think, fascist, but it was awfully fetishistic of the military. It was St Crispin's Day/Band of Brothers in Space.

Comment Re:military weather? (Score 1) 253

On one hand, 'weather satellite' was a cold war (and probably is still) a euphemism for spy satellite. Kinda like how nuclear missile subs conduct 'oceanographic research,' not 'nuclear deterrence patrols,'

On the other hand, the military is very interested in weather, as 'Hang on, let me check if it's going to be stormy' isn't a proper military response to 'Ok, we need to move a carrier group down to, say, Taiwan. Now.'

Comment Re:Reversable Veto? (Score 1) 437

Something like this:

Keystone says 'we want to put a great big pipe from Here to There.'

The various Departments of Whatever say 'no.'

Keystone says 'Hey, congress guy, here's some money.' Aka, lobbying.

Congress says 'Here's a law saying 'Departments of whatever shall issue the following permits.'

President says 'Nope.'

Eventually, President says 'Ok, departments of whatever, issue the permits with the following requirements/conditions/standards built in.'

Keystone then says either 'Hmm, it's no longer profitable to build, with all these requirements' or 'great!' and goes ahead.

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