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Comment Re:Has there ever been a more successful cartel? (Score 1) 243

..and I can fill up for (today's rate) $1.229 CDN/L. That price includes land leases, drilling, transport of raw material, processing into sellable product, redisdribution to buyers, transport to the local gas station, maintenance of all equipemnt, and lots of taxes. Also, everyone is taking a cut at every stage. It's still only $1.229/L.

Its really amazing how cheap gas actually actually is.

Comment Re:Roomba sucks (but not in the way I paid for) (Score 3, Interesting) 88

I have a 550 "Pet edition" Roomba, and it works great. I have a single cat (who admittidly doesn't shed that much compated to most cats). I have to clean out the rollers every once an a while, but it's still better than actually vaccuuming. While it can't get into a few areas (behind the garbage can is a big one) it generally works great. I think it does a better job than me (because I don't take any time to move anything).

The biggest problem I have with it is that when it decides that it is done a room, it tends to hide. It might be under the middle of the bed, or tucked under the sofa in the back corner, but it's rarely in a spot where I don't have to get on my belly to retrieve it.

I named mine Saul after Saul Goodman. Better call Saul!

Comment Re:Just goes to show you... (Score 3, Interesting) 294

I think that the best government is a minority government.

A miority government spends most of their time squabbling and crying about the other 2 factions. Most of the individual parties pet projects never make it anywhere. If anything actually important comes, they have to work together to get the law passed. If you don't work with the opposition, there is another party who will. If nothing important is happening, then they just propose bill after bill after bill, and none of them ever make it any where.

A minority government is the best way to get the least government for your tax dollars.

Comment Re:I already have. (Score 1) 128

You forget the audience. Most of the people here have day jobs where the job is to keep stuff working. The old logo works fine, so what's the problem?

If it aint' broke, don't fix it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to make another post complaining on how SlashTV is a waste of electrons and how the old /. format was so much better than the current AJAX garbage.. I'd mention SlashBI, but I think that one speaks for itself.

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