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Comment Re:Work != Labor (Score 2) 455

Why is it an employer's job (no pun intended) to make sure we exercise?

Why is it an employers' right to pass along healthcare costs of employees that they require to be sedentary 40+ hours a week?

But that line of reasoning is pretty flabby (pun intended) on either side of the argument. Let's raise awareness that fitness is a system problem: (Caloried consumed - Calories burned) / ~3500 = 1 pound of body weight gained or lost. If you want to reduce healthcare costs, one part of the solution will be to redesign work to include motion.

Comment Work != Labor (Score 3, Insightful) 455

My brother is over 50 and a baggage handler for a major airline. On his feet, lifting, walking, on the move continuously several hours a day. He's had no flab ... until this year. I saw him in November with a bulge around the middle. He had put on 30 pounds. "What happened?" "Desk job." Employers wake up! You are not the innocent victim of the obesity epidemic, you are a primary contributor. Every job description must include some activity other than "sit in chair, click mouse, press keys, answer telephone." Put labor back in work and your employees will get more work done and cost less in the long run.

Comment Re:I want this for my car (Score 2) 200

I've been wondering about illuminating my license plate with inexpensive infrared LEDs at each corner. They won't help during daylight hours, but IR-sensitive night cameras should be rendered useless. Great holiday gift for those with foil hats and hate the thought of automated license plate scanners that are being used to troll traffic for black hats.

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