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Comment Re:Has Anyone Suggested An Alternative? (Score 1) 308

That's a great idea. How about Reddit actually works with developers to find a fair an equitable solution instead of acting like a bunch of out of touch, greedy hipsters.

Like, why does Reddit not have an ad server that can inject content into 3rd party apps? This is a problem that has been solved for decades.

I understand Reddit's position, but it seems like they're choosing the laziest, most outrageously dickish way of doing it. For a website that depends on their user base freely giving them content, it seems spitting the face of the user is the last thing you want to do.

Comment Re:Unsustainable business model (Score 4, Funny) 59

Reddit is killing themselves. They've been sitting around with a thumb up their ass instead of developing the official app (or even having one) or adding QoL features to the site. 3rd party developers should have been bought out/hired ages ago, instead they were asleep at the wheel. Now the actual adults from wall street are walking up the driveway and they're clumsily trying to hide their bongs and porn mags while desperately fanning out the marijuana smoke.

Comment Re:idiot (Score 2, Informative) 152

I actually did use my car radio when I had to evacuate from the Oroville dam crisis.

Nearly all of the FM stations were broadcasting emergency information.

The AM stations were broadcasting prerecorded church sermons, latino music, and conservative talk radio. Only one station had emergency info and it was just a simucast of their FM sister station.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 168

Here's the thing: there is nothing stopping a carmaker from making their own better system. The reality is first party infotainment is almost always terribly half-baked and under-supported mess. If you think Apple is bad with Siri, try using Uconnect for 5 minutes.

Carplay/AA offer a consistent UX, and while not perfect, is far more elegant than what car companies have come up with.

Comment As a Reddit Mod... (Score 1) 89

ChatGPT posts are very easy to spot. So much so that I've set up automod to catch most of it with simple keyword matches. It's really not that impressive of a technology once you understand its quirks.

Furthermore, it's not even that serious of a spam source. Real human beings working in 3rd-world spam farms are far trickier to filter out. Even then we're taking maybe 1-2 posts a week that require mod intervention. The vast majority of Mod workload is just normal/drunk people being dicks.

Comment It's so sad (Score 1) 44

Seeing all of these out of touch nerds think VR is the next big thing. 3D has always been, and always will be, a gimmick. It's useful in the same sense that an amusement park ride is useful. It doesn't actually solve any problem, and most tech novices will be confused/sickened by the experience.

I enjoyed the hell out of HL: Alyx, Google Earth, The Lab, and Beat Saber... but what else is there? VR has had several killer apps but it still feels like it's struggling to find a foothold.

Comment Hope for the best, plan for the worst (Score 1) 263

Wondering if Russia nuclear arms are effective is completely irrelevant. You have to assume they are.

Will most of them fail if they actually use them? Probably. That's why they have thousands of them. Even if only 5% of them successfully destroy their targets, that's still absolutely devastating.

Underestimating your enemy seldom works in your benefit. Just ask Russia.

Comment Re:Profit without any responsibility (Score 1) 324

Do you even know WHAT they're arguing for, or is your infantile head just far up your ass that you automatically think "Huuur duuuur corporations bad!"

Google is absolutely 100% right. A ruling against Section 230 would be absolutely catastrophic. NO SEARCH ENGINE OR VIDEO HOSTING SITE COULD OPERATE IN THE UNITED STATES. They would either have to be oppressively censored or move overseas.

Yes, obviously they're concerned about their profits, but we should all be concerned that the incredibly valuable services they provide going away. Imagine being in a western nation and having to use a VPN to use a search engine? It's absolutely abhorrent to freedom of speech on the internet and honestly scary that the SCOTUS is even considering this. It's literally a no-brainer issue.

Comment Re:Why would they want to pursue native installs? (Score 1) 53

1. Gamers
2. Professionals who want the build quality of a Mac and need to run computationally-heavy, Windows-only apps
3. Why not?
4. Some software has license restrictions and knows it's running in a VM
5. Getting some esoteric peripherals to work in VM can be a massive pain in the dick
6. Why not?

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