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Comment Re:I hold my phone to my right ear (Score 2, Interesting) 288

It might also have to do with your master eye. Just as you have a master hand, you actually focus more out of one eye, with the other providing mostly triangulation data (and of course extending your FOV, etc.). For MOST people, your master eye is the same as your master hand. There are some people who have opposites. There is a fairly simple test to determine which eye is your master, if you are curious google will explain how.

I'm personally right handed with a left master eye. When I'm doing anything that requires accuracy (such as baseball, archery/shooting, hockey, etc) I have to do it left handed or my accuracy suffers. In fact, before I even found this out certain things just felt "right" to do left handed.

Comment Re:If you give up the inch, they'll take the mile (Score 1) 901

Really? Based on totally anecdotal evidence here in (Ottawa) Canada, you'd either have to be filthy rich or a fool to go to a bar sober if you were planning on getting drunk, or even going out for more than a pint at the pub.

Many (most) here seem to prefer to buy in bulk, and do most of their drinking before they go out to the bar.. The drinks at the bar are only to keep the party going.

I personally tend to avoid the bars, as the prices here are really quite shocking. Of course, YMMV in other places and other parts of the world.

Comment Re:Weaponize it and use it against car stereos. (Score 1) 165

My father (who happens to be almost deaf) has a unique approach to this that has seen good results through the years... He keeps a couple of CDs of music with him that are frankly just awful. When someone is being obnoxious with their music, he switches away from whatever he was normally listening to, takes his hearing aids out, selects the song(s) he think will cause the recipient the most auditory distress, and then cranks his music until his seat rattles... leaving it turned up until they're out of hearing range or they take the hint and lower their volume.

I wish I could contact him, he's drawn up a very amusing correlation between the type of music that the intended recipient is listening to and the music that will cause them the most distress. Oddly enough, it's not always the most diametrically opposed style that is the worst, sometimes it's a very similar style that is just badly done. Last I checked, his list included several songs from the backstreet boys, aqua, a couple of even shittier dance tracks, and several bad death metal bands (he takes the CDs I get from local metal shows and rips the worst sounding ones). There are others but I can't remember them.

Comment Re:easy. (Score 1) 695

...in fact it's considered rude to even ask the question in many trades here. I don't see why a laptop is a special case?

These aren't tradesmen, they're arts students. In my experience at 3 different post-secondary institutions over 7 years in computer related fields (Where laptops are considered tools of our trade) I have been asked once and it was a minor emergency situation. I think that most of these people don't have the same views.

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