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Comment Re:Wrong target (Score 1) 387

Adapting (insulation, etc) a large share of buildings looks easier (to me) than, say, replace all gas vehicules by electric ones, or reduce people moves drastically, or cover landscape with wind turbines & solar panels, or ...

We are investing 25 B€ in photovoltaic here in France. And we have spent a lot of cash in the past too. Photovoltaic is useful, sure, it's really not a bad thing, but it does very very little against CO2 because we have dominant nuclear power right now. Why not spending all/part of that in building improvements instead ? It' beyond my understanding...

Everything will be really hard anyway.

Comment Re:Wrong target (Score 1) 387

> Who told you that was easy?

Nobody, that's why I wrote "_relatively_ easy" ; other things are likely much harder.

There is no technological challenge in improving buildings; we have all the knowledge we need and that could go fast. That would cost a mountain of cash, sure, but that would be well used money; I would not mind paying this kind of tax.

Comment Re:Wrong target (Score 1) 387

> So, tax incentives to make your home heating more efficient are pretty useless

Sure. _owners_ not _renters_ need incentives (cash, tax discounts, whatever) to provide people good houses (and maybe penalties not doing so)
Added to this, we have the bad habits here in france ti build concrete houses. This is really stupid; concrete industry is a huge CO2 producer ; wood houses are likely much better alternatives. We should tax concrete more and detax wood.

> Absent on your like is Mt CO2 for agriculture

Around 16Mt; not that much compared to other things.


Comment Wrong target (Score 1) 387

In 2017 in France:

Transportation generate 130Mt CO2 - stable since 2000
Building heating gives 80Mt CO2 - stable since 2000
Industry is about the same (70Mt) - decreasing every year
Energy Industry is 40Mt CO2 - decreasing since 1976 (thanks nuclear)

There is a relatively "easy" target here: make buildings burn less energy. This would give:

1/ rapid benefits in CO2 emission
2/ more cash to people living in those buildings (energy is really expensive those days)
3/ a great deal of business

Guess what: that's the only one we are not actively fighting today !

Increasing gas price using tax is somehow coherent (but very unfair) as long as we *use* the money for something useful, such as reducing heating needs
Not the case obviously... we need that for nation budget (if only tax evasion was lower...)

Well done guys, keep going.

Comment Re:whooooooooo cares (Score 1) 165

" If we want to survive as a society, we need to be encouraging each woman to have slightly more than 2 kids. "

It always sounds like a strange reasoning to me. I never understood why people want to "survive as a society". I don't even understand what it really means...
We have already reached a point where we would need two planets to be sustainable, why adding more and more "local" people instead of making existing ones (world wide) more comfortable ?

"Surviving as a society", as I read it, simply means: foreign/migrant people are not as "good" ("suitable") as locally born citizen. And, well, that's shocking to me.

The same people say "we need more natality" and "we need less migrants". The only thing you'll get is more pressure, more wars, more stupidity, more rich/poors disparity, more racism, etc etc.

Strange world indeed...

Comment Re:Just a quick reminder... (Score 1) 78

100% agreed. VLC is by far the best media player for what i'm concerned. It just lack a decent UI.

Why not simply show a message "You are installing VLC on device XYZ; there are a few things you should know before using it on this specific device" ?
People are not always playing morons when they get the proper info.

Comment Re:Why legislation? (Score 1) 136

No, you can't. People don't have guns here. This is not the kind of freedom I'm looking after, but granted: thats personal opinion.I'm actually glad other's can't have this "freedom"in my country. You also can't do religion proselytizing in public schools; it goes as far as not showing obvious religion signs. People have fought and voted for this in the past. Nothing I would call "lack of freedom".

Comment Re:Secondary school (Score 2) 136

From TFA: "... in nursery, primary and middle-schools, until around the age of 15. "

I'm so glad they passed this law (I'm French), and really surprized to see most people thinking that way. We went really far in kid's addiction to smartphones & social media ; time to control this shit a little. This is an important milestone.

Comment Re:Thunderbird or AlPine (Score 1) 406

I use Thunderbird almost forever. I kind of like it, but it has serious annoyances.
My mailbox is getting big over time ; getting thunrderbird in sync with this large IMAP folder tree is sometimes painful and slow.

- It sometimes re-fetch all mail headers within folders for unknown reasons, which takes forever (it likely has to do with an aborted sync operation)
- It sometimes render the mail body of an email with the header of another one (usually when I'm trying to open a large mail)
- Interface responsiveness and action's feedback ... well ... sucks.
- per-folder unread message count sometimes stop to be accurate (I have to open folders individually to get them updated)
- development of this program seems stalled for a long time
- rich text editor is awful/painful
- this damn quick search area that disapear on ESC key press !
- sorting folders takes an extension
- preventing accidental folder move another one (on IMAP, it's just a disaster)

But it's still my email client ! I like its way to classify mails, deal with email models, etc.
And also because I hate to change my habits, to be honest.

It's a great program that should have more horsepower to get updates. I would pay for using it, no doubt.

Comment Installation dialog on web page load ? really ? (Score 2) 39

Can anyone tell me why the browser displays an "Install XYZ extension" dialog when loading a web page?
We all know that people simply click on "Ok" no matter what is shown on these dialogs.

It seems to me that the installation of an extension should be entirely manual: go to the extensions page, find the extension by its name, check the information, click on "Install the button", review options such as "give access to ", click on "Validate".

I doubt that people would make this way easily; it would be likely to filter out many abuses.

It's not like we need to install dozen extensions every day ; convenience features to help extension installation is useless & dangerous.

Comment Re:Turnover tax? (Score 1) 253

The way I see it is as an acceptable tradeoff for GAFAs. They would not be taxed as much as the next guy, but that's a way to make de deal quickly (read: within the current electoral mandate). If GAFAs oppose this offer, I suspect a future version would be less favorable.

Something 100% certain: people here in EU (myself including) are sick of tax evasion that cost EU countries fortunes, raise my own taxes & creates unfair competition. This situation is solely due to an obsolete tax system, that needs a deep change. Trump has his own "way" to implement "america first"; I much prefer the EU way, that target "fair business", and not some stupid and dangerous "EU first".

Fom my understanding, the "spirit" of taxation intend to tax goods where they are used, and profit where they are made. Digital economy should not be otherwise solely because "the web is global". Damn, the EU is stupid enough to allow internal unfair competition in its own members (you know, this dell that gives me Irish invoices while I'm buying from FR); I'm glad they start to cleanup this mess (well, for now, it's just words... we'll see). People in EU are starting to vote extremes because of this situation, and that scares me.

Living is EU/FR cost a lot in taxes ? yeah, sure, Tell me about that ! I live in a country that love burning cash for bad reasons (bad), but provide great public service in the mean time (great). If I decide to change that, I have a voting ticket. But before this happens, every one need to pay their fair share when operating in this country.

My one cent anyway :)

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