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Comment Re:Anonymous Coward. (Score 2) 389

MS and Sony do not host the servers, the game company does, and it is up to them to decide to stop hosting them, and as far as I know, all that money goes to MS for xbox live subscription fees, none to the developers. However, Microsoft is very interested if one of the big titles on their platform experiences outages while many people are playing.

NIH Spends $400K To Figure Out Why Men Don't Like Condoms 844

The National Institutes of Health has given $423,500 to researchers at Indiana University's Kinsey Institute to figure out why men don't like to wear condoms. The institute will also study why men have trouble using condoms and investigate "penile erection and sensitivity during condom application." "The project aims to understand the relationship between condom application and loss of erections and decreased sensation, including the role of condom skills and performance anxiety, and to find new ways to improve condom use among those who experience such problems," reads the abstract from Drs. Erick Janssen and Stephanie Sanders, both of the Kinsey Institute.

Comment Re:poor management (Score 3, Insightful) 65

I just watched the entire video, and have no problem with what they did. Working in a game company, and any software company really, you learn that there is no substitute for real users. Once you get thousands of users online doing no deterministic things, your architecture crumbles. These guys did whatever they could to fix it, and for that I commend them. Hell, I was tempted to email the CEO and ask for a job until I learned they are in MI. I am very impressed with their efforts and the fact they documented it as evidence for their fans.
PlayStation (Games)

Tekken 6, Soul Calibur Coming To the PSP 32

Two recent announcements lend support Sony's promise to bring a stronger game lineup to its PSP console this year. Tekken 6, which was already known to be in development for the 360 and PS3, has now been confirmed for the PSP as well. "... the portable version of the game is set to release alongside the other console iterations and will pack additional stages, content, items, and an ad-hoc multiplayer mode using 'original' and 'fan favorite characters.'" We've also found out that Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny is being specifically designed for the PSP, and will include "arcade, versus, and survival modes, as well as a character creation mode." In addition, 1Up reports on the latest rumors surrounding a redesigned PSP (possibly called the "Go!"), which they say will be unveiled later this year at E3.

Comment Re:Two changes that could've been made (Score 1) 852

I agree with you though I might have been able to accept them going to "Amish-Tech" -- Even metal plows, wood cutting tools, leather tanning, etc. etc. were all high tech of a certain age or other. But to drop down to sticks and stones is just ridiculous. After working so hard to survive for years, they're now going to ensure that at least 95% of the survivors die in the next two years from simple things, like lack of food, or lack of gear to analyze berries and roots aside from the "what happens when I eat this" test. They should have just pulled a Cavil -- at least they'd have avoided the suffering.

It isn't like their brains went back to stone age. They of course possess all the knowledge of the civilization they are leaving behind. They know how to farm, know how to make weapons, know how to make medicine and drugs, and even understand the theory of computers and could eventually build them if they chose. So they are leaving nothing behind but possessions, not the knowledge that made those possessions.

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