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Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 702

Grew up in a country which had 'Socialist' as a part of an official name and still live with all* of it's numerous socialist residues and I can guarantee you, that you won't find "cronyism" in Socialism, simply because it's such a normal way of how things are, that your eyes adjust after a short time.

Well, maybe not all. I escaped some of them by being forced into grey economy by laws made ostensibly to protect me.

Comment Re:Symbolic and symbolic only (Score 1) 181

Two thousand wind turbines ... now you're talking.

That's when the real trouble begin. Most of the ./ users seem to be from anglophone countries and hold some amusing views about the state of "Energiewende", but I can assure you, as someone living next to Germany, you wish to remain at just two. It's not German problem only, it's a problem for Poland and Czechia as well - we have to install unbelievably expensive phase shifters just to protect our grid from German "exports" (yes, those shiny figures of German electricity exports usually contain so called "physical exports", better sounding name for overflow). That's not Fox News propaganda, that's decision of Czech and Polish governments, made to simply maintain basic level of stability in our transmission systems.
Germany's planning Brobdingnagian build-up of new lines, but, if you believe they'll make those 3600 necessary kilometers until 2020, when they managed only about hundred since 2007 or 08, I got a bridge to sell ya.
One last tidbit cause I got a stage to build in a few hours and should catch some sleep - those new power lines (and new dams and pumped-storage plants) are already vehemently protested by the same green groups that push for massive windmill/PV build-up. Talk about inconsistency.

Comment Re:Meanwhile... (Score 1) 181

Stop reading NY Times for scientific information, they're bunch of hacks. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation specifically states:

the Scientific Committee does not recommend multiplying very low doses by large numbers of individuals to estimate numbers of radiation-induced health effects within a population exposed to incremental doses at levels equivalent to or lower than natural background levels.

That's just from the last year, after extensive research, but it's been assumed for the long time - there are many areas with pretty high radiation levels (Ramsar has 260 mSv/y, compare that with Fukushima) without any measurable health impacts. Except the Iitate village, most of that "terribly contaminated" area is about as much radioactive as Denver. If I recall correctly, those Washington lobbyists hanging around Congress get more ionizing radiation from the all the granite. So for the love of Feynman, learn to stop worrying and to check your sources.

Comment Absolutely? (Score 1) 659

That's a nice option, but it kinda misses any indication about a side to be bombed. Unless, of course, it means bombing both, which seems like the best option after keeping hands off and trying some diplomatic leverage against Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia to stop their support too.

Comment Re:Greenpeace (Score 2) 93


Also, absence of anything on Greenpeace's pages should be outright disregarded beforehand as a proof of anything. We're talking about organisation which threw it's founding member down the memory hole: Patrick Moore of the original Don't Make A Wave Committee is missing now, though still listed as a crewmember of the ship. I vaguely remember he used to be completely vaporised from the pages but not sure and don't have time for Wayback Machine magic.

Comment Re:Wait for Something Actually True and Reliable (Score 3, Insightful) 317

Not only they are two different countries, Czechoslovakia doesn't even exist for twenty years now. Old Czechoslovakia also didn't use to get mistaken for Chechnya like Czech Republic, but for Yugoslavia.
I also feel like I should insert "you insensitive clod" somewhere, but can't figure where, so feel free to imagine it wherever it makes sense to you.

Comment Translation from truther speak to human (Score 1) 848

There are funds that take care of large scale donations, some of them non-discriminating, some of them catering to donors with some leaning. Two of them, openly and tranparently catering to rich people who want to be sure their money won't end up in the coffers of Greenpeace, WWF, Sierra club, Sea Shepherd, PETA, NRDC, Union of Concerned Scientists et al. (a sentiment I wholeheartedly understand), were spreading donations amounting roughly to WWF's and Greenpeace's combined yacht and sandwiches budget over bunch of causes loosely connected by the funds' raison d'être. That is covert funneling of dark money. When the aforementioned fuc^H^H^H fan^H^H^H char^H^H^H^H activist organisations I dislike (and more importantly disagree with on fundamental level) do something similar only with larger amounts of money, it is "educating the public" or "showcasing the opportunities".

Comment Re:Ethanol from corn is height of stupidity (Score 1) 419

Since WW2 Brazil has been using home grown ethanol as a fuel because they either couldn't get oil (I'm told this is what diesel is made from) or didn't want to pay high prices for it.

I think they used sugar cane grown in tropics and harvested by dirt cheap labor. So the rising living standards requiring increased mechanization to keep the pace might disrupt it pretty soon.

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