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United States

Submission + - Detecting Terrorism From Facial Expressions (

Cyansoft writes: "The Washington Post reports that the TSA is training airport screeners to detect lawbreakers and terrorists by their behavior, specifically signs of "stress, fear and deception", and such behaviors as traveling without bags, sweating, nervous, being "out of place", or avoiding "eye contact or veer away when police approach". Since January 2006, the TSA has detained 40,000 persons for extra screening, in which 300 were arrested for various charges. The TSA plans to train 1000 screeners in behavioral detection techniques and deploy them to more than 40 airports nationwide by the end of this year. Such techniques include "micro-facial expression" training, which "determine[s] when the slightest facial movement is masking a lie." Additionally, the government is testing devices that can see through clothing."

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