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Comment Re:Your actions harm me (Score 3, Insightful) 202

I get paid by the hour

Then sorry, but you're not even remotely what I described.

Whether 12/hour or 50/hour, you are being paid for every hour you work. I...and "Fuckwit" from my story...are not.

Life sucks. This economy licks ass. No, I haven't gone through the hell youve described, and (knock on wood) I hope I don't ever have to. I sincerely wish that you hadn't either.

But back to the original point....if you are working 80 hours on a salary-only position (or have an employer that refuses to pay OT even if legally required to), then you are a fuckwit, and you are directly contributing to this economy continuing to suck. I mean fuck, honestly, do you understand why the economy continues to suck 3 years after the economy tanking? I'll give you a hint....its the ~8% (documented) unemployment, with a true rate likely somewhere between 15-20%.

If you have 15-20% of your able and willing workforce not making anything...and then not spending anything...which means that corporate revenues are down...which means more bastard CEO's preserving their personal/shareholder bottom line over that of the whole...which means more layoffs to satisfy thier personal incomes...which means a higher unemployment...which means more people not making anything...and the circle goes on and on and on.

The bastards and fuckwits and losers out there that are so thankful to be working that they're doing ANY unpaid overtime is directly contributing to this cycle. Government regulations (well, to be more percise, the lack of regulations & this giant conserviative push to destroy the unions) is only making it easier for corporations to get away with this shit. We're not only fucking ourselves right now, but we're fucking our kids...our this level of corporate slavery.

This ISN'T the norm. This shouldn't be the norm. But as long as there are these losers willing to effectively do 2 people's work, with 2 people's hours, for 1 person's salary, then yes, you're right, we're all fucked and this WILL be the established norm...not just for when the economy sucks, but for all fucking time. Freedom, power...that which is freely given away will never be returned.

Don't give yourself away people. And seriously...if you do....don't bitch at me when you drop of a massive heart attack & lose everything because you have to spend a month in the hospital & your boss replaces you with another moron willing to drive himself to an early grave. You dug your grave....fucking lie in it slave. I have no sympathy.

Honestly, one of the only ways I can see to fix this is unionization...and I fucking hate unions. But unless we are all willing to stand together & demand this gets fixed (and if they don't fix it, fuck em. Good luck meeting shareholder expectations if you have no workforce). But that would mean that people would actually have to think outside themselves as one individual....all the "me me me look at me my situation is different I'm special I have to do this blah blah fucking blah" has to go away....and we all know THAT will never fucking happen.

Honestly...I feel for my kids. My work life sucks, but isn't downright festering shit yet. Their generation? We're laying the foundation for them to be nothing but slaves to corporate interests. Quite frankly, I'm disgusted by the greed.

Comment Re:Your actions harm me (Score 5, Insightful) 202

When it becomes trendy to work long hours, employers start to require it. Then, I have to work those same long hours, because there are no jobs where a proper work/life balance is respected.

Thanks a lot, you damn busybodies!

Actually this. 1000 times this.

We had an individual in my office. For the sake of this story, we will refer to him as "Fuckwit".

Now, Fuckwit came in to work 7 days a week, and roughly 12-14 hours per day. He was paid a standard 40-hour-workweek salary, and effectively then volunteered 60 hours more a week.

This became the standard against which the rest of the staff are measured. Fuckwit is doing it, why the fuck can't you? Fuckwit needs you while you are on vacation....fuck your vacation, do what Fuckwit wants of you. Never mind Fuckwit is a single male with no girlfirned, no kids, no social life, whatever. Fuckwit has set the bar.

Today, Fuckwit is on a 2 year sabbattical because (from what I've heard) he hit the wall and burnt out to shit. But guess what? He set the fucking bar, which we still to this day fail to measure up to. Management could care less that it destroyed Fuckwit, requiring a massive sabbattical...they got 3 1/2 years of 100 hour workweeks out of him before that happened.

Now, multiply Fuckwit across America. Millions of Fuckwits who are "lucky to have a job at all" working double the hours they are contracted (and often paid) to do. So suddenly, we have millions of Fuckwits doing the effective job of 2 people....where the company SHOULD be hiring 2 people, but why the fuck would they when there is Fuckwit who will do it anyway.

And then we wonder why unemployment is shot to shit right now. Of course there are hardly any fucking jobs being created, because they keep making US do the work for a job that SHOULD be created.

In other words, fuck every last one of you Fuckwits out there. YOU are fucking us all. Personally, I hope the stress eats you up inside till you have a mental breakdown or a fucking heart attack. THen these companies might actually have to, you know, hire the appropriate number of staff instead of fucking us all.

Comment Re:It's okay (Score 2) 1469

Actually, technically, you are incorrect.

The contract has nullification options, with the most common being "failure to consumate the marriage".

Additionally, where divorce isn't no-fault, lack of sex (alienation of affections) is also considered grounds for divorce.

So while the "contract" may not specifically mention sex, the "rules" for breaking said contract generally do.


Submission + - Facebook reports molestation of teen (

Samalie writes: From the someone thought of the children files... Facebook staff were central in the capture of a Winnipeg, Canada man for (innocent until proven guilty) molesting a 13-year old teen. From the article:

Police allege he began communicating with a 13-year-old girl on the social networking site in mid-July and the messages turned sexual. Facebook contacted Winnipeg police near the end of July and passed along the information. Detectives got on the case, and on Wednesday, police arrested the man.

Comment Re:Downgrade rights (Score 4, Informative) 671

See, the thing is, (and I wait for the downmod for daring to mention Apple)...

Apple already has this. OSX and iOS are so fundamentally similar in the end that realistically, to port apps between the platforms is a completely trivial affair where really you only have to account for the different resolutions (and potentially change your UI somewhat to handle the smaller form factors).

But yet somehow they've managed to do this with and still have a UI designed for the computer/keyboard/mouse (OSX) and for mobile/touch (iOS).

If you've used these devices, you'd also know that the cloud storage integration is entirely seamless accross platforms too. As you suggest for MS, it IS very smooth and useful.

I've used W8 too...I agree with many comments above that it IS very fast & stable. But I find Metro is ugly as fuck (and for the record, I've tried WP7 and I find the same metro-ish interface to be ugly as fuck). Personally, as much as I like the concept of a unified UI, in practice it just seems to clog up the shit.

For the record, Windows 8 will NOT be deployed in my office. I'm under 50 seats, so I know MS doesn't really give a fuck about my piddly little account here, but this isn't the only company that will hold on to W7 - and that's not even counting the companies that still stay on XP.

Comment Re:Downgrade rights (Score 5, Interesting) 671

I hate arguing with AC's, but while you are 100% factual, you just don't get it.

The point isn't whether or not you can get to the classic desktop in 1-click. The point is you can't boot to the classic desktop, and every goddamn time you need to go to the "Start" menu you're back in Metro.

I don't want a PC that acts like its a tablet. If I want a PC that acts like a tablet, I'll BUY A FUCKING TABLET. (disclamer: I do own an iPad and use it regularly. That said, I would NEVER want iOS on my desktop. NEVER)

I get what Microsoft is trying to do - they're trying to unify the interfaces so that the tablet experience mirrors the desktop experience. The problem is...mouse vs touch as the device input NEED different experiences. Either its designed for touch, which makes everything giant and bulky for mouse use...or its designed for mouse, which makes touch all but impossible.

In conclusion...I see absolutely NO reason to install Windows 8 on either my home PCs OR work PCs. There is no benefit that I can see....I'd rather stay with 7.

Comment Re:nice (Score 5, Interesting) 142

The difference in this case is that ACTA isn't a piece of legislation written up by the EU that can be changed willy-nilly in order to secure the votes for passage.

ACTA is an international treaty that has been signed (but not ratified) by (most?) of the signatories' legislative bodies.

To change ACTA (to re-package, whatever) requires all the signatory nations to get back together & start re-negotiating the points of it. SImply put, the EU cannot alter ACTA for ratification independently.

Comment Re:Much more solid way of removing that (Score 3, Insightful) 122

I'm afraid you're entirely incorrect in regards to the Canadian legislation.

As it is worded, you have the right to timeshift, formatshift, etc to your heart's content UNLESS there is a digital lock on the original.

IF there is a digital lock of ANY sort, you still technically have the right to timeshift, format shoft, etc, but in order to do so you will have to commit an illegal act to do so (circumventing the digital lock).

Now, IANAL, but as far as I can tell, there is nothing wrong with legitimately purchasing media and then downloading a DRM-free copy from that case, YOU are not (personally) circumventing the digital lock.

Comment Re:what about a test lab? or class long test? (Score 1) 241

Reminds me somewhat of a Human Resources course I had to take.

There was no final exam. The entirety of the course was the weekly assignments, which were never "what is , but all "List challenges in your workplace due to new_HR_regulation_819 which will have to be overcome". Grading was based on your understanding and application of the material, not on vomiting up some definition.

The course wasn't had to work....but you didn't have to retch out some stupid definitions and answer some multiple-guess questions.

Comment Re:Nonsense! (Score 1) 241

The crucial point is that in modern society, it is extremely hard to get that first job without the college diploma, so most people make the correct choice and go to university.

Actually, the correct choice would be to fix the fucking system so that people that are smart and experienced enough to do the actual fucking job are favored over morons who drop $100K on some stupid piece of paper they got while partying, fucking and cheating their way through college.

For some people, the university degree is worthwhile and gets them going in life. For others, the paper is a complete fucking lie. And for still others...they don't need the fucking shit piece of paper and $100K of debt to be useful and productive in their chosen field.

Sorry, but going to college isn't some magical end-all be-all of awesomeness. It is just a piece of paper. The worth of that piece of paper is whether or not the achiever of said paper earned it or not.

Comment Re:Reason to hope (Score 1) 98

So says the anonymous coward.

And look....obviously I'm not suggesting that we take to the streets today and kill em all.

But the bottom line is...freedoms are being eroded today. Canada, USA, wherever...its all the same. We are actively losing our current freedom in the name of security, corporate interests, etc.

You know, a little over a couple hundred years ago, there was a group of people being royally fucked by England. And instead of taking it in the ass, they rose up and changed the fucking system, paying in blood. And over the last two hundred years, things have been relatively decent. Sure, there have always been individual issues where things went to shit for a period of time, but generally speaking....government in the USA was by the people, of the people, and for the people. Canada followed a different path, but again, for the first 100 or so years of Canada's existance, things were relatively good, and the people reigned supreme. both countries....politicans are succumbing to building law to support their corporate overloads, or to exert more athority and powers within the government itself...and you're right...power absolutley fucking corrupts, and it is highly unlikely that the power the government has stolen from the people will ever be returned.

But to suggest that we should just bend over and take it...quite honestly, you stand against the very freedom that our country was founded upon.

Now today...the damage isn't irreversable, although it is going to take some serious effort by people to retake the government from within. And barring that...if all else fails....we will be left with no choice but to retake our freedom with blood.

And deep down, I'm sure in the end the wheel will keep turning. Things would hopefully be better for a while, and slowly erode again...where it will once again be the responsibility of the people to make things right again.

Freedom isn't free. It is the fucking duty of us to protect our freedom. Fuck you for not giving a shit.

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