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Comment video production..... (Score 1, Interesting) 289

there was nothing (other than extremely expensive, dedicated equipment) that could integrate so well into a 'low budget' on line edit suite in the 80's and early 90's.

with bt2 (broadcast titler 2) i could knock out graphics that made some of the broadcasted titles of the day look like they came from some fisher-price toy.

by the early 90's (?) i was producing corporate and tv material first on highband, then betacam, then betacamsp, and mastering to 1". all my graphics were sync'd through the amiga (i do remember using some card or other (?)), and using it was a joy.

unfortunately my business grew to the point where the amiga just couldn't keep up (not it's fault, more the pressure of work), and it gave way to pc's running matrox illuminator cards.

i had my amigas in storage till just a few years ago, and fired them up before giving them to the local youth centre (where i believe their still in use with the younger kids for games).

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