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Comment I know just the place to test this... (Score 2, Interesting) 73

On a hot day the Lowell, MA water treatment facility can me smelled for a good mile plus in every direction, strongly. And there's a low-incoming housing complex right next to it. How those poor people can live there is a mystery. Although I guess I just answered that. Ok, so not a mystery.

At any rate, it would be a great candidate for this sort of technology. And I wonder how this tech could be applied to space travel and such self-contained environments or poor areas such as submarines, underwater facilities, small third world countries/towns, etc.

Comment This has been around for a while in Massachusetts (Score 1) 911

Here in Massachusetts this has been around for a long time, although you don't get one until your 2nd DWI offense (last I checked). And it's more than just being a pain in the ass for the initial blow:

They cost a good $3K including installation, payable by you.
They make you re-test every X minutes (20 minutes I think?) even if you're currently driving. You have to pull over, turn off the car, and test again. Think about that on your 1hr commute...
If you don't pull over when the alarm goes off, you have about 5 minutes (I believe) until you start losing power and have to either pull over or come to a dead stop wherever you are. GLWT on the highway.

I'm glad NYC is finally catching up... but I do wonder about the 1st offense and 0.025 limit... that seems a bit harsh. But I guess on the flip side... it only takes one crash to kill someone.

Comment Re:Honest domain name registrar? (Score 1) 67

I've been moving my stuff to, they're cheaper than my previous registrar ( and seem honest enough. I also use their Dynamic DNS services too, so it's handy.

However, when you think about it, what defines a good/bad registrar? Network Solutions might not have policed their parked sites well, but it doesn't sound like they did it maliciously. They messed up, someone missed something... for a few months... or a year or more... yeah, pretty bad f'up... but I think that's more stupid than dishonest/scummy. Unless that guy with the tinfoil hat is on the right track and they did it themselves... after the last Fed raid I haven't gotten a chance to make another tinfoil hat myself, so I won't get into that. :)

How many registrars will look at every domain that someone registers with them and go, "Hey, you're not doing anything useful with this domain, so we're canceling your registration, you squatter!"? Not too many, that would cost money to police and cost them money in domain registrations.

The only thing I see that defines a registrar as "scummy" are the ones that include the clause that if you ever drop your domain, they take it. Or as soon as you do a "search" for a domain, if it's free, they take it. Like used to, last I heard. Just gotta read your registration agreement carefully.

Comment Re:Ad Muncher would have protected everyone. (Score 1) 67

I'd mod this up if I could, I run AdBlock Plus and NoScript and they do everything mentioned above, but a lot cheaper. I don't fear accidentally landing on a "parked" website, as I know any malware/scripts on it won't get a chance to run.

And if I'm running Firefox, and it does what I need it to... why would I need to worry about "the other programs" on my computer? In fact, why would I want any 3rd party software doing anything to my other programs? Will it stop me from wgetting malware by accident? :P

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