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Comment Re:Sorry to flame you but... (Score 1) 262

For the record, I deleted the comics from my hard drive and fully intend to buy a hard copy. This had been done before I even made my post. I'm also one of the people that only supports musicians that come to my town (or close enough) and perform for their money, often buying CD's that I've already downloaded along with a T-shirt.

I resent being preached to, but seeing as how we share a common set of morals, I'll let it slide.
The Internet

Explosion At ThePlanet Datacenter Drops 9,000 Servers 431

An anonymous reader writes "Customers hosting with ThePlanet, a major Texas hosting provider, are going through some tough times. Yesterday evening at 5:45 pm local time an electrical short caused a fire and explosion in the power room, knocking out walls and taking the entire facility offline. No one was hurt and no servers were damaged. Estimates suggest 9,000 servers are offline, affecting 7,500 customers, with ETAs for repair of at least 24 hours from onset. While they claim redundant power, because of the nature of the problem they had to go completely dark. This goes to show that no matter how much planning you do, Murphy's Law still applies." Here's a Coral CDN link to ThePlanet's forum where staff are posting updates on the outage. At this writing almost 2,400 people are trying to read it.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
