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Comment Re:Too busy (Score 4, Informative) 173

No, they don't. The scammers don't 'fix' anything, they just take the money. They might give them an 'anti-virus software' (read, more malicious software), but they aren't going to remove their damn malicious software just because you gave them $80.

Even if they did, extortion is illegal, and thus a perfectly viable charge reversal.

Sorry, but your apparent argument of "people are dumb and should pay for getting scammed" doesn't really float. Basically the entire point of charge reversals is to deal with scammers.

Comment Re:Worthless summary (Score 3, Insightful) 631


I'm not sure how it works in the US but here in Europe those idiots would probably have a pro-gay net effect, because most people would recognize how ridiculously stupid the Westboro nuts are.

It wouldn't work in the UK, as he (and potentially anyone from his church) are denied entrance :D

I kinda wish the US could do this to him.

Comment Re:there are no 'segments' in gaming. (Score 2, Interesting) 192

I would say this was true a few years ago, and still true for a portion of the gaming population, however I wouldn't even say it's true for the majority any more.

There ARE non-AAA titles, and people do look at them differently. Indie developers are growing in popularity, and are viewed differently than the AAA games. There are also casual and those games you find on XBL Arcade, the PS3 store, etc. They might not be casual, or really indie, but they aren't AAA games, and people do view them differently.

I can say this for my self, and I assume there are others like me:
I have a price point for video games where I view them differently. For me it's $20. If a game is $20 (or less) I will likely pick it up if it interests me. I don't necessarily need a demo, nor do I hem and haw over buying it, I don't shop around for deals, etc etc. If I enjoy the game I'm happy, if I get a good number of hours out of it I'm really happy. If I don't like it and drop it in a week, I'm a little put out, but nothing big.

Anything over that $20 price point I have a much stricter limitation on. I have to try the game before I buy it. I have to see good reviews, especially from friends who I have similar tastes too. I will wait for it to drop in price, or go on sale, or whatever. This is all because I know that if I DON'T get a lot of play value out of it, specifically replay value, I'm going to regret the purchase a lot. I do hold AAA games up to a higher standard than I do indie/'cheap' games.

Oh, and don't forget that the casual games players are a (if I remember NPD's nubmers) majority of 'video game players' currently. These players are very specifically only looking for bejewled and it's cousins.

Comment Re:I actually like this trend... (Score 1) 833

Right, because the current internet generation doesn't find it cool to be racist, sexist, or offensive in any way they possibly can. We will not see Juan Rodriguez post a long, and insightful analysis of warlock DPS only to have about 50 replies using the term "dirty mexian"?

I think the Real ID thing is dumb. I think their justification for tying it to the forums is ridiculous.

Comment Re:Trackball (Score 1) 207

I have used the Logitech TrackMan, and then the Logitech TrackMan Wheel for years now. It's the only decently priced thumb trackball I have come across, it lasts a few years each time (eventually the buttons wear out). It, like all thumb trackballs, caps out at 2 buttons and a wheel (so 5 possible binds), the only thing that makes me want a mouse every so often is the possibility of more buttons for my right hand.

Oh, and the wired option of course as its more reliable, cheaper, and why does it matter if you have a wire on a STATIONARY OBJECT? (I know, I know, it makes a less cluttered desktop/setup/whatever)

Comment Re:Trackball (Score 1) 207

"Fair. Only trackball I ever used had the buttons operated by the thumb, and the ball on top to be moved by the fingers. Odd that both large body mice were made by Logitech, though. The one I have is "ergonomic" (for a righty, anyway) too. Quite pleasant to use."

This is why you don't like trackballs for gaming.

I have yet to run into a gamer who uses one of those 'ergonomic' center-ball ones.

Comment Re:Trackball (Score 1) 207

"Each to their own. You're obviously not a PC gamer, or if you are a very casual one."

Sorry, but a thumb based trackball is just as good as, if not better than, most mice.

For me it comes down to a few things:

1) The fact that you can get greater precision with your thumb than yo can with your wrist/arm.

2) You never run out of movement space. Sure, with a high sensitivity you will not often have to pick up your mouse and move it, but it does happen.

I set my sensitivity such that I can do a 180 turn in either direction with out lifting my thumb. This is a fairly low sensitivity, which means I have (for me) rather fine control when I want it, however I can also do big movements when needed.

The one thing that keeps tempting me to get a regular mouse is more buttons, and what I really want is a speedpad type thing instead Something that gives me movement keys + lots of extra buttons for my left hand). The one I liked was the steelseries Fang, however it isn't being made anymore...

Comment Re:According to the latest article in "Duh" Magazi (Score 2, Interesting) 534

What they generally should be doing is correcting their eating habits (much more important than exercise for weight loss), and focusing on appropriate exercises (things that will not unduly stress their joints due to their obesity). Playing sports is probably not the best thing for them health wise.

What is? I dono. Possibly low impact aerobics?

Note, They includes me. I have always been over weight, even when I was highly active athletically. Why? I eat WAY too damn much, much like most of our nation I suspect.

Comment Re:But what about taste? (Score 1) 297

There are a number of high ABV beers out there that ARE good.

The obvious one to me is Three Philosophers, which is made by Ommegang, a NY based Belgian brewery. It's about 10% ABV iirc, and very good. Most of Ommegang's beers are relatively high ABV, yet still good.

I think I have also had something up to 16% ABV that I liked (can't remember the name currently), and I have also had plenty of high test beers that sucked, probably about in proportion to normal beers that suck though.

That being said, I have next to no interest in these ultra high ABV beers. They are no longer beer, and are now distilled spirits. I kinda doubt they taste all that good, and I'm fairly sure they would not be worth what ever the ridiculous asking price is.

I mean, if some one offered me some I would take it (I'm a curious drinker), but I'm not going to seek it out.

Comment Re:Oh My Hovercraft (Score 1) 59

As a horrible American who really knows next to nothing about other countries, especially those that aren't English as a primary language, it through me for a loop, and sorta disappointed me (something bugs me about the idea of government web pages NOT being in the proper language). Knowing that they are all bilingual is kinda awesome to me, thanks.

Comment Re:What next? (Score 1) 237

Apple has 2 things going for them:
1) They probably have contracts saying "we can dictate when/where you can sell our products".

2) They can ALWAYS say "well, we will stop selling you our products if you don't stop selling online".

Apple gets to negotiate from a position of strength here. They are a large enough company that they can take the hit from a single store no longer selling their products. If you want an i you want an i not an MP3 player, a tablet, or what ever, so if your preferred store doesn't sell them, you will simply go to another.

Yes, all of the retailers COULD band together and say "nope, sorry, if you impose this we will stop carrying your goods", and it probably would work. However, not all of the retailers are willing to take that hit, and they know that if they are one of the few retailers with i they will be the store everyone goes to.

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