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Comment Re:Market Failure (Score 1) 776

"stop ruining things for those of who manage to eat right, but still enjoy the occasional culinary sin." The problem is that things are already ruined. Medicare and Medicaid pay billions of dollars of your money to pay for the externalities of culinary sins. The proposal to tax the culinary sins directly, instead of paying for it through income tax, simply puts more of the tax burden on the sinners instead of spreading it equally across all tax payers. The added bonus is that the increased cost of sinning will deter a handful of people, so our GDP can be spent on something other than healthcare. Of course, you could argue that the real problem is medicare and medicaid... and that's a valid argument if that's the kind of world that you want to live in, but I certainly don't want to live there.

Comment MATLAB (Score 1) 295

This will require some skill on your part, but MATLAB can be an amazing teaching tool. A university Professor of mine used it to create animations and other visualizations.

Imagine being able to demonstrate trigonometric identities with animated sin waves, or geometry with 3d surfaces. As a programming language, it will give you incredible flexibility to demonstrate difficult concepts without putting emphasis on how pretty it looks.

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