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Submission + - 3+Layer Red Ray DVD kills format war

Rockin'Robert writes: "'HD VMD' Red Ray kills 'HD format war' stone dead?
From the: We-don't-want'your-fxckin'-war dept.
NPD study...found an overwhelming reluctance to buy either a Blu-ray Disc or an HD DVD machine (due to the usual 'format war' syndrome). Enter: cheaper to make with more 'layers' 3+LAYER RED-RAY DVD http://community.tvguide.com/blog-entry/Dvd-Guy/Hd-Vmd-Indepth/800026706
Related — but now old hat.
BBC REPORTS No ceasefire in DVD format battle http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6243383.stm
Belts tighten, buyers get wary. Puulleeeassse. Not another re-run of Ground-Hog Day.


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