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Comment Re:Hold on... (Score 1) 490

What about the notion of broadband providers as "mere conduits"?

They don't attempt to filter content on the grounds that the nanosecond they do that, then they are liable for any/all content that flows through their service.

By the same logic, an entity that is a "mere conduit" is NOT a 3rd party to which ownership of any of the content - including email - is given. The case is crap.

Comment Good for Hulu, Good For Consumers (Score 1) 133

Personally, I think this is great news. Competition is a good thing. If Youtube was the only destination for video, that type of monopoly would - eventually - prove to be bad for everyone. Even if it is "do no evil" Google.

Several months ago, I canceled my TV service. I use Hulu quite often to watch the shows I want to see. They are always there, commercial interruptions are minimal and video/audio quality is good. And that is just using VGA cable from my laptop to DLP HDTV @ 720p res and a headphone-to-RCA output to my HTR.

I upgraded my internet service to 6mbps down for only $5 extra / month. Canceling the TV service saves me more than $70 / month. Obviously, I come out way ahead here. is a great service and I disable ad-blocking for the site and try to actually click an ad every once in a while. I want this model to work. It's unobtrusive, on-demand and costs me exactly what is should: Nothing.

If I'm going to have commercials shoved down my throat, then it should not cost me money to view the content. That's what the advertisers are for. The traditional cable TV service model is on the way out. Good riddance - I'll not miss it in the least.

United States

Submission + - Texas Challenges Evolution Science Standards

CycleFreak writes: The Texas Board of Education this week will vote on science standards that critics say seek to cast doubt on the theory of evolution.

The board — considering amendments passed in January — will hear from the public on Wednesday. It will then take votes — an initial one Thursday and the final vote Friday.

... the board is considering other amendments casting doubt on well-established ideas in the earth and space sciences — plate tectonics, radioactive decay and how the solar system developed.

Submission + - Li-Ion Batteries Recharge In Seconds

CycleFreak writes: Researchers may have found a way to drastically increase the performance of the lithium ion batteries that power everything from electric cars to laptops. By reconfiguring the battery to allow lithium ions to rush in and out about 100 times faster than before, researchers say they've created a prototype that provides fast bursts of power and also, crucially, recharges in seconds. A prototype of a battery made with the new technique could be charged in less than 20 seconds compared to the six minutes it took to charge cells made in the standard way.

Comment Re:Mashups (Score 1) 492

or whoever did the same to "Riders on the storm."

That would be Mark Vidler, aka Go Home Productions. He does some absolutely genius remix / mashups / whatever you want to call them.

Click the mp3 link and you will find some free downloads as well as many mashup vids hosted by YouTube.

Not sure if the mix can still be found on his site, but the "Superchunk Mix" Part 1 and 2 is simply stunning. Near the end of part 2, there's a very cool mix using Bowie's "Under Pressure".

Then, immediately after, is an exceptionally cool mash-up using AC/DC (Back In Black) and Queen (We Will Rock You) with a lead-in from Run DMC and then tosses in some Led Zeppelin too. Then, just at the very end, you hear I heard the news today, oh boy.... Squeezed some Beatles in there!


Submission + - GMail hits 3 000 000 000 bytes of storage

spxZA writes: GMail hit 3 000 000 000 bytes (2861.022949 Mb) of storage in the last couple of months. Did anyone pick this up? If not, it is quite a milestone!

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