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Submission + - Caustic Ray Tracing Accelerator Detailed (

Vigile writes: Caustic Graphics is a start-up founded by three former Apple employees promising real-time ray tracing with the help of add-in accelerator cards and OpenGL-based software stacks. The first iteration of this design is the CausticOne using two FPGAs tuned to vector-based calculations and is responsible solely for the ray tracing portion of the rendering engine. Caustic's design leaves the shading computations to a standard GPU but presents the work in a way that is much more efficient than other GPU-based ray tracing algorithms. PC Perspective has an article that looks at the technology behind the hardware and software of the ray tracing accelerator and the means by which Caustic Graphics intends to stay in business while competing with companies like NVIDIA and Intel.

Comment Snrk... (Score 5, Funny) 1870

Laughed hard at this:
"Speaking to the BBC, the chairman of industry body the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) John Kennedy said the verdict sent out a clear message.
"These guys weren't making a principled stand, they were out to line their own pockets."

Oh yeah, and he isn't?

Comment So.... (Score 1) 103

How long until it's in hobbyist hands?

I want one of these:

Failing that, how about or
But a or would be fun too.

Any way, new toys for robotics are always fun.

Comment Re:Advertising (Score 1) 234

I remember a while after Daikatana came out, we got a bunch of copies for prizes at our lan party.
Usually gave them out as the boobie prize.
A couple copies we took out back, put m-80's in the box, through the hole in the CD, doused with gas... it was tons of pyro fun.

Comment 88 hours (Score 2, Interesting) 605

Stayed up for 88 hours during Origins '99

Didn't pound down tons of soda or coffee,
maybe a few cans of diet dew, but I did eat normally.
(That's important, There was one guy at the last gen con in Milwaukee who stayed up the entire con, only on caffeine and energy drinks, collapsed right outside the front door of the con, right after it ended.)

By the end of that period, it felt like my body heat had shut off (felt like I was freezing, and was shivering hard), and I felt like I was piloting myself, like a mech, more than BEING myself.
Oddly enough, I was there just to play battletech.

Mainly stayed up because I didn't have a place to stay, when I got a room for the night friday, I sat down on the couch, and the next thing I knew it was morning.
Then was up for about another 48 for the end of the con and the bus ride back.

I haven't tried anything like that EVER again.

Comment wrong target (Score 1) 499

Anyone who used this for money would (and should) be skinned alive.
It's the wrong thing to target.

If it's not exactly accurate, but instead centers around averages, (how well does it converge towards the REAL answer?) then I could see uses for it, but still in parallell with normal procs for a rough "checksum"...

CGI and various modelings where you just need to pour power at it for example.

Maybe make some kind of "accelerator" board with it to be used for certain apps.
(Still pissed about not having a reasonably priced cell board like that).


Submission + - Bill Gates Unleashes Mosquito Swarm at TED

theodp writes: "Ending malaria is a particular passion of Bill Gates, who has spent hundreds of millions fighting the disease. So to drive home the point in his talk at TED, the annual gathering of the cool-and-rich from the fields of Technology, Entertainment, and Design, Gates released a swarm of mosquitoes into the crowd. 'Not only poor people should experience this,' Gates reportedly quipped as he turned the bugs loose on his audience."

Comment Re:Valve games (Score 1) 115

I've been running HL2 on an atom 330, with a pci ati 2400 (note, old school pci, not pci-e), and except for a little flitter when levels start, it's been great.
Then again, I'm running 1024/768 (monitor max res).

I do wonder why everyone is so gung-ho about the single core atom,,, isn't the dual core only about $5 more?
That's worth it for me... add on a Nvidia chipset (please do CUDA), it'd be beautiful.

Comment can't because it's been done? (Score 1) 52

I don't play EVE-O.
I'd like to, it looks good; leveling up looks better than other MMORPGs.
I'm not even that interested in the RPG part... I've been having fun with capitol ship fighting in megamek recently (and I dug out Homeworld to play again a couple of weeks ago).

I've read here about one needing to be logged in when a skill update happens or it's wasted,,,
This is wrong... If it's progressed, you should get it.

My idea for EVE-off-line would include some kind of tamogatchi-type thingamajigger... something you synched up via USB with a few simple games on it to play, that would then be authenticated and uploaded, helping you when online.

Comment Magical thinking (Score 1) 933

The problem is some people really believe that if you take in certain pieces of information, you WILL act on it
You have no choice, it's not a question of self-control; sooner or later, you will do something.
(Strangely enough, these kind of people usually talk big about "personal responsibility"... although it's usually in terms of punishment, rarely in terms of prevention.)
The fact that you deny it will happen is proof that you've been corrupted, your conscience seared, and reinforces their belief in their own rightness.
That consuming that information might actually prevent someone from going out and committing the act depicted/described, is something entirely alien, and will cause them to redouble their belief against it.

Whether it's porn of any type, birth control, evolution, video games, political theories,,, hell, damned near anything, someone with this mode of thought will crusade against it. And again, trying to cure them of it only makes them dig in deeper.

Of course, the inquisitors, err... special investigators, are somehow immune to this effect, and are there to save you from your sins.

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