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Comment Re:Nearest neighbour (Score 4, Informative) 213

offering bouncy rides.

When Australia was first settled a few people did indeed try it. I remember a school teacher showing us some drawings of special saddles and other stuff that people had made for the purpose. The problem is that a roo large enough to carry a human is a powerful and aggressive animal, it puts up a hell of a fight. There were at least a couple of people that somehow managed to saddle the roo and then mount the saddle, but in both cases the roo just bashed them into a tree tree or something. The first seven people to try it were all killed. I've never heard of anyone trying it since.

Comment Re:Dear Slashdot... (Score 1) 160

Knowledge should be free.

I generally agree with this, but people choosing to profit is not evil at this point in our evolution, and may never be.

seven of the largest companies on the planet, whose sole business plans are to exploit the free exchange of information by putting up artificial barriers and charging for access to things

This is true as far as their own IP goes, but this isn't generally true even for Apple and Microsoft. Google in particular is doing quite the opposite. They are providing access to all the information they can, for the cheapest possible price. I don't really see how any other large companies are doing this either.

They're creating the next Dark Age

You can't even accuse Microsoft of that. You might have argued they've slowed things down a bit, but "Dark Age" is pretty fucking far from reality.

the power imbalance between the information-rich and the information-poor is growing, exponentially.

There's some truthiness here, if you squint a bit...however the "information-poor" is rapidly heading towards zero. So what's really happening is that everyone is becoming enriched.


Submission + - Google beats Australian regulator in landmark court case (afr.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Google will not have to verify the content of sponsored ads on its website after winning a High Court appeal against Australian regulators. It is a massive win for Google, as it lost an earlier hearing, and it would have had major global implications for the global search industry had they lost today.

Submission + - Microsoft Surface Pro Review (bgr.com)

zacharye writes: I first laid eyes on Microsoft’s Surface tablet just about four months ago. It was a rainy Monday morning in Redmond, Washington and we were barely into the first 20 minutes of a full day of meetings when I knew the Surface was a huge, huge deal. Microsoft — the world’s largest software company, responsible for the operating system that powers roughly 92% of all personal computers on the planet — was now a hardware vendor. Microsoft's first effort was a dud but the Surface Pro is better in every way. Is it enough?...

Submission + - Python Gets a Big Data Boost from DARPA (itworld.com)

itwbennett writes: "According to an ITworld report, 'DARPA (the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has awarded $3 million to software provider Continuum Analytics to help fund the development of Python's data processing and visualization capabilities for big data jobs. The money will go toward developing new techniques for data analysis and for visually portraying large, multi-dimensional data sets.'"

Submission + - Nintendo Release 3DS XL and New Mario Today in the USA

Croakyvoice writes: Nintendo has today released the 3DS XL in the U.S.A. The console comes with features such as screens which are 90% bigger in size than the original 3DS, a much needed improvement in battery life and also the 3D effect on the console has noticeably improved. The 3DS XL is Nintendo's attempt at even moreso dominating the handheld console market over the PSVita but also bringing back the gamers lost to the likes of Android and iOS Devices. The other major 3DS news of the day is the release of New Super Mario Bros 2 a continuation of the DS game released in 2006. In Japan the game has sold over 800,000 copies since game launch and Nintendo will be hopeful to replicate that success in the U.S.A.

Submission + - Motorola releases an "official" bootloader unlocker (custhelp.com)

Nertskull writes: So Motorola claims to have released a tool to allow anyone to unlock the bootloader on their phone. Unfortunately, the only supported device right now is the Photon Q 4G LTE. However, other devices are supposedly on their way.

Submission + - IBM to buy US Solid State Storage form, TMS (computerworld.com.au)

FunkDup writes: IBM has announced the purchase of US firm, Texas Memory Systems specializing in high performance solid state memory. The move is intended to bolster IBM's PureSystems storage hardware as well as other storage technologies and network devices.

Comment Re:certainly much simpler than (Score 3, Interesting) 161

a lot of people live in slums next to the rich people's fenced mansions

Sounds a little bit like South Africa, or to some extent the USA.

This article says:

There is no agreed upon definition about what all these nations have in common apart from having a significant population of European descent.

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