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Comment Re:What happens when it can't keep up? (Score 3, Insightful) 237

What happens when every time a new invention is announced Slashdotters continually come up with edge cases, apparently assuming that the inventors are fucking idiots who didn't think of that instead of that the article just didn't mention it! What happens when they're always modded to +5! What happens then OMG!

Comment Re:Predictable (Score 1) 174

In order of increasing goodness:

1) Microsoft makes no promise about encrypting data whatsoever
2) Microsoft encrypts data weakly, keeps code proprietary
3) Microsoft encrypts data strongly, keeps code proprietary
4) Microsoft encrypts data strongly, open sources relevant code so community can validate it

So Microsoft announces they're going from 1 to 3. You're paranoid and saying maybe they're going from 1 to 2. Fine.

But here's the thing: it's still IMPROVEMENT. Maybe it's not as much improvement as you want, but people are posting in this thread as if somehow Microsoft got worse. But they didn't. They got better.

So to answer your question:

If Microsoft told you they were implementing security and it turned out they were using DES with a key hashed from the word 'Scroogled', would you be pleased?

Yes. Because that's better than them making no promise whatsoever about data encryption, which was the situation a week ago. I am pleased. Thanks for asking.

Comment Re:seems a bit strange (Score 1) 341

No, they made a conclusion not supported by the data available. What they *should* have done is expanded the study to include more and more diverse test animals to firm-up the conclusion. They could have retracted their study and re-done it while retaining some dignity.

What they did instead is throw a hissy-fit and then blame a new editor, which strikes me as extreme paranoia at best.

Comment Two things: (Score 4, Insightful) 465

1) A lot of times, job listings to the public are a required formality when there's already an internal candidate wanted for the position. In this situation, the job description will be written to fit that specific internal candidate's skills as precisely as possible.

2) Job descriptions are crap anyway. If you think you can do the job, apply. If the company doesn't give you an interview because they asked for 5 years C# experience and you only have 4 years, you don't want to work for them anyway. That kind of hellish determination to strictly follow paperwork never leads to a fun work situation.

Comment Re:Where was this caution with Wii U? (Score 1) 310

My experience is that most Nintendo players don't play/try other consoles, and that they really have *no idea* whether other consoles have "fun games with lots of depth". They just say stuff like that to reinforce their myopic viewpoint with other Nintendo fans.

Comment Re:Where was this caution with Wii U? (Score 1) 310

Right. You can play Mario. Or Zelda. Or Metroid-- oh wait Other M killed off Metroid for the time-being. Great selection.

But wait! You can also play Rayman Legends! ... if you ignore the fact that you can play Rayman Legends on literally every gaming device known to man. So that's a real draw to the Wii-U.

Comment Re:Node.js?! How 'bout C89 support? (Score 1) 197

You realize that "undefined" doesn't mean "it crashes the app" or even "it doesn't do what the author expected"?

It just means undefined. That's anything from, "it works exactly like the author intended" to "it causes the soft soap dispenser in the ISS to squirt soap on the spacesuits." It's undefined; it could do literally anything or nothing at all.

Comment Re:Consider the possibility it might be done (Score 2) 332

TeX doesn't even have a useful GUI yet. It's not even 1/10th the way to "done".

It'll be "done" when you can hand it to a random person on the street and they can quickly and easily figure out how to use it to produce a complicated document. The only reason you think it's "done" is because you've pigeonholed it into a tiny niche.

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