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Comment Re:Errr (Score 1) 307

Hmmm. credentials please? citations maybe? I don't claim to be an expert, but blanket dissmisiveness with no details or citations is not going to convince me, since I do know a hell of a lot about both computers and arithmetic in alternative bases.

My opinions are just that, opinions, especially regarding tertiary machines, since, to my knowledge, a truly usable one has never been demonstrated.

So it's possible that what I said is not actually true, but my opinion is based on first hand experience and opinions of others who have been in the field of computing for a very long time. So as I said, it will take more than a general statement with no backup to change my mind.

Comment Re:Forget Linux skills... (Score 1) 208

wait a just said that linux skills won't get you chicks, but the quote states that computer hacking skills are included. Even if you consider that linux skills != computer hacking skills, then surely it's not a far stretch from there, and at the very least, linux skills are probably a prerequisite to computer hacking skills...

Comment Re:Errr (Score 1) 307

I do in fact believe that there are infinite possible bases. The problem is creating unique symbols. It is not enough to claim you have a base-1024 number system, you must create 1024 unique symbols for the system. For an infinity-base number system, you need infinite unique symbols.

The limit to creation of computers which function in bases other than two is mostly limited by the capabilities of the human brain. We have enough trouble juggling binary. each additional number adds significantly increasing complexity.

I believe that it has been theorized that the most efficient machine would actually be tertiary (i.e. one more than binary), and numbers past that have diminishing returns. The Tertiary system would offer several distinct advantages in data manipulation, especially in dealing with odd numbers. It also offers a third state for decision making, although debate rages over what the best use for that third state would be, probably something akin to "maybe". Arguably, The third "maybe" state of a decision is a primary limiting factor in the creation of AI, since the "maybe" state is a critical part of human intelligence and decision making.

Theoretically, a base-10 computer would also be an excellent choice. Even though exceedingly complex to design at a electronic level, the advantages would be immeasurable (programming in the same base as we naturally think would make everything far easier and less error prone). Even though base-10 is significantly more complex, the alignments of the patterns of numbers are such that it optimizes the use of the number system quite well. This is exactly why humans naturally went to it without quite understanding what they had done.

Comment Another reason... (Score 2, Interesting) 314

Why would you want to replace 2 billion lines of working COBOL code?

Easy...COBOL, while still in use and working well now, is not a language which is still is shrinking. Nobody would choose COBOL for a new project. The only jobs left for COBOL programming are maintenance. That means that there are no "exciting" COBOL jobs, and that only coders who learned COBOL, not engineers who are good at design or interested in building/maintaining good design.

"So it's old and all you can get is people willing to maintain, not engineer, the COBOL universe. so what?"

Well, what's what is that:

a) over time, code maintained by "coders" rather than "engineers" i.e. those who are simply proficient in a language, rather those with true engineering talent, will degrade. I have worked with both. I notice a trend. Those with engineering talent...a knack for understanding large systems at a high level and seeing bigger pictures, tend to improve the cleanliness, stability, and re-usability of existing code as they fix or extend it, because they look at the big picture and try to make a change such that it works well in the whole system. "Coders" tend to find the location where the logic goes wrong, and make the most obvious spot adjustment to make the problem go away. Even extensions are treated similarly. Hence, with mostly these types of engineers working on COBOL code, those systems are going to degrade over time. This effect can happen rapidly...I've seen it happen to code that was less than 5 years old. The fact that COBOL code still works is probably more a side effect that all coders of that generation had some engineering skills beaten into them. The younger generation with their "learn a language and get paid" mentality will bring that code to it's knees in a decade or less.

(a) implies problem #2:

b) With code which will degrade as younger, less "design" oriented maintainers are forced to take it over, maintenance becomes a primary concern. Yet as the language gets older, and the code ages and begins to break, gaining more of a reputation for being in shambles, there will be less interest in working on it. Meaning that each generation will produce fewer and fewer COBOL programmers, an effect we are already seeing.

Businesses will be content to sit back and look at their well working, low cost maintenance systems, and think that things will always be that way as long as the don't ask anything new of the system that will cause it to need replacing. This is NOT the case. Eventually COBOL programmers will be all but gone, and those that remain will come at a high premium, and there will not be enough for everybody. At that point, the code will start to break, with nobody to maintain it.

This is when businesses will freak out and think "we need to replace this COBOL program with something in a modern language that we can find programmers for." Except that these old systems are probably not well documented at an algorithm level. The best document is, well, the code. So what they will need is simply someone willing to read through the old code and duplicate it's behavior in a more modern program. Well that doesn't sound SO hard..except, wait, what? You mean, in order to port a program away from COBOL, you need an engineer who still _understands_ COBOL? oh, crap...

Comment Re:I'm unimpressed. (Score 1) 290

Actually, what this looks like is a blue laser burner for CD/DVD compatible R/RW discs. FYI, CD's bought in a store are not written with lasers, so discs bought in a store are irrelevant to this discussion. The problem is the inaccuracies of BURNING a CD-R/RW (i.e. you burning it yourself with a drive in your computer).

Therefore this actually is a big deal, because it could mean the ability to burn (at home in your computer) a backward compatible music CD, at higher speeds with less failure rate.

This is even more important for Mastering houses. A mastering house will use a laser burner to write the final master CD. That CD is then sent to a reproduction house, which uses a machine to read the data and cut a permanent bit pattern into a glass disc. Blank Plastic discs are then pressed into the glass to form the pits for the data on disc. this process has an extremely low failure rate (why you rarely get bad discs from the store).

HOWEVER, if the mastering house burns a master with errors in it, and nobody notices (i.e. a bit is halfway burned, and sometimes it plays, some times it doesn't. happened to me 3 days ago), then the cutting reader might mis-read the master. Next thing you know, that error gets replicated into the glass disc, and usually into a few thousand store copies, before it is noticed. Thus ensues a recall and a reprint, at the expense of the musician. Sucko.

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