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Comment Re:Er... don't agree (Score 2) 240

The whole problem with these UX designers is they forget that it is 2012 and EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS HOW TO USE COMPUTERS

You've missed the point really. Or, more likely, nobody's ever bothered to explain it.

Good UX usually relies upon the standard and accepted ways of interacting with the computer. So it doesn't patronize you by trying to show you what to do with a text input field - we can usually assume the user knows what they are looking at, as long as we lean on the accepted ways of presenting standard functionality.

The real task of good UX is to use present the domain the application is servicing in an easily understood and accessible manner. For example, a good system for doing tax returns might help the user to understand the terms the tax system uses and perhaps how to calculate those numbers.

I agree completely about the Office ribbon btw. MS' UX people clearly thought they could improve on the accepted patterns used for interacting with desktop applications... I think their solution is awful. Change *can* be a good thing though, and sometimes a fundamental change is needed to move things forward - I think that the paradigm shifts made in iOS are great, for example.

Comment Re:Easy = Bad (Score 1) 376

you have to get your apps only from Apple sources (iOS/Mac App Store) for them to have access to it.

I'll bite.

There's nothing stopping an application from being able to save to the local disk, is there now? You can save your files and use them in other apps just as you always have.

The fact that they're allegedly restricting the use of *their service* to apps which they have approved hardly seems to me like the catastrophe people here are making it out to be.

Comment A Steam client doesn't guarantee platform support (Score 1) 324

Steam for OS X, a big step forward though it was, hasn't delivered a massive amount of content.

I haven't got numbers to back that up, but often when I hear about a game being released on Steam (usually from a developer / publisher which isn't Valve) that I would like, I open the client and find out it's Windows-only. Which is a shame. Publishers still clearly think that Mac is a niche market. The situation with a Linux client is unlikely to be much better.

That said, having Valve's own stuff available is no bad thing. They have produced plenty of good content.

Comment Re:As An American... (Score 1) 270

We didn't care. The law stipulates that the retailer must honor the 2 year warranty. So that's taken for given. The government will enforce the law, as we've seen.

Also, the only place where this would have been a problem was when buying from Apple directly. Taking the iPhone as an example, the vast majority of purchases are not from Apple directly but from a telco. So any issues with the product are dealt with by the retailer.

Comment Re:Depressing (Score 1) 195

The most important difference is route of administration - the dosage is likely surprisingly similar (to start with).

Prescribed stimulants are meant to be ingested, and thus slowly absorbed. The same chemicals snorted, smoked, or injected reach the brain much faster, producing a rush, which is what recreational stimulant users crave.

It's this craving that causes repeat use, and increasing dosages.

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