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Comment Re:Tablets are better for Linux than Desktop (Score 1) 237

Hmm - not sure about this. I actually love Linux on the PC for the fact that you don't usually have to worry about drivers - you can get a basic setup running very easily. However - when you want something like hibernation or high-resolution graphics then things start to get a bit more awkward - but for a basic internet browsing machine it is very easy to put Linux on a box and get it up and running. But for a tablet, you have more issues such as battery life etc which I don't see the open software being able to beat the top brands on the market (the ipad). Plus, whilst you're right about people saying "it doesn't run excel" people will be saying "it doesn't run i-tunes" - so I think that Linux on the tablet will be a very similar experience to non-techys as on the Desktop. However, what Android and Ubuntu are trying to do is remove the word "Linux" from the brands - which I can see is a smart commercial move. Almost everyone has some sort of Linux device in their house, probably embedded into their router or something - but they don't realise it - this is good for take-up but not so good for the basic principles of free-software...

Simpler "Hello World" Demonstrated In C 582

An anonymous reader writes "Wondering where all that bloat comes from, causing even the classic 'Hello world' to weigh in at 11 KB? An MIT programmer decided to make a Linux C program so simple, she could explain every byte of the assembly. She found that gcc was including libc even when you don't ask for it. The blog shows how to compile a much simpler 'Hello world,' using no libraries at all. This takes me back to the days of programming bare-metal on DOS!"

Comment Re:A Clockwork Orange (Score 1) 721

Hmm - maybe rather than trying to deter bad behaviour they should fix the cause of the problem, not the symptoms? Rather than sticking a speaker up, maybe they could put a basketball net up.

I am so glad that I am not young poor and growing up in this country where they are treated like an underclass. Clockwork Orange was about a terrible way of punishing someone who had done terrible things, but this is about punishing young people who haven't necessarily done anything.

Comment Re:Slick (Score 1) 578

But has anyone actually done that?

I went to the site and looked for sample code / screen shots - then I looked at the videos and it was like watching an infomercial or QVC, so I put my foot through my monitor and sent them the bill!

I don't think many slashdot readers will fall for it!

In the UK, a Few Tweets Restore Freedom of Speech 216

Several readers wrote to us about the situation in the UK that saw the Guardian newspaper forbidden by a judge from reporting a question in UK parliament. The press's freedom to do so has been fought for since at least 1688 and fully acknowledged since the 19th century. At issue was a matter of public record — but the country's libel laws meant that the newspaper could not inform the public of what parliament was up to. The question concerned the oil trading company Trafigura, the toxic waste scandal they are involved in, and their generous use of libel lawyers to silence those who would report on the whole thing. After tweeters and bloggers shouted about Trafigura all over the Internet, the company's lawyers agreed to drop the gag request.
The Internet

Submission + - Steven Colbert Kills Conservapedia (digg.com) 5

mcfarlandwrites writes: On his show The Colbert Report this evening, Steven Colbert reported on Conservapedia.com's efforts to remove, as they put it, liberal media bias from the Bible and also highlight tales that support free market capitalism, something the Bible actually does the opposite of, especially the parts where Jesus is around. He then asked viewers to go to the site, sign up for accounts, and add his name to the edits of the Bible, which is set up like Wikipedia, and ever since, the site has been "down for maintinence." Way to go Steven!

Comment Re:Do we need the anti-smoking jab (Score 1) 479

... Smoking helps me with my anxiety...

The most stressed people I know are smokers! It is such a fallacy that smoking helps with stress. Look at the people on a plane after a long-haul flight. The smokers can't wait to get off and light up.

Giving up smoking may be difficult - but really the withdrawal symptoms are what smokers go through between every cigarette. For me, the only benefit of smoking is the hit you get - and this sensation goes after the first few weeks of smoking... All other benefits are figments of smokers and ex-smokers imaginations.

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