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Comment Re:They used to call me paranoid... (Score 1) 427

I'm willing to give anything a try but none of my friends or customers who have Verizon service use DSL and have FIOS instead. I can probably find and disable the router and wireless part of the Verizon Actiontec but my question is, if I do that will the channel guides still work on the houses cable boxes? The Verizon people made it seem that if the Actiontec were not the router on the network then the channel guides and DVR's wouldn't work right.

Comment Re:They used to call me paranoid... (Score 1) 427

I can't control what provider my friends and customers choose, only advise them of the pitfalls associated with Verizon and their equipment; the reality is that Verizon's marketing machine convinces people that they're getting a good deal when in fact it's probably the same as Comcast and you're stuck using Verizon's equipment. Of course if you have a business and don't use Verizon's TV service then you can use your own router but if you're a residential user you're out of luck.

I've never understood why the Verizon cable boxes / dvrs channel guides won't work with third party routers and only with those Verizon branded Actiontec routers and I've never been able to get a straight answer to that question from them either.

Comment They used to call me paranoid... (Score 1) 427

I don't like those combination modem / routers very much either and I always suggest that Comcast people get just a modem and their own router; but can someone please tell me what to do with people who have Verizon? Those Actiontec modem / routers / wireless combo are just awful and port forwarding doesn't seem to work properly on the ones I've worked with but Verizon says that if you don't use their equipment and you have their TV service then the channel guide on the cable boxes won't work, so how do any of you overcome that problem?

Comment Bad Idea, End of Story (Score 0) 474

There is just way too much potential for legalized drugs to go sideways and in a serious way. Ferry operators, crane operators or any heavy equipment, train operators, pilots, your investment manager, or any person in a critical position where one wrong mistake could cause lots of deaths or financial loss i.e. crash the stock market. Would you really want someone who's high or jonesing for their next fix piloting the ferry you're on or operating the crane that's lifting an I-Beam at the construction site you happen to walk by on the way to work?

Comment Re:Dogs.... (Score 1) 23

I can't speak to all breeds but there have been many recorded cases of dogs guarding their owners dead body's without any signs that the animal ate any part of the owner and it took animal control to take the dog away because it wouldn't allow anyone to come close.

My dogs have always been incredibly sensitive to my feelings, if I'm down they'd come over and lay their head on my foot or lap or go get their ball and throw it at me as if to say "Come on buddy, lets have some fun". I've never heard of a dog eating their dead owner, so I doubt that very much.

Comment Dogs.... (Score 1) 23

Dogs can be very sensitive to their owners feelings i.e. "You're feeling down friend, maybe a lick on the hand will make you feel better" and each one has it's own personality (anyone whose owned multiple dogs knows that) and while the idea of a robot dog modeled after K-9 is cool there's just no programming love. (at least right now)

Comment It's all about the story.. (Score 1) 403

There were some pretty terrible story elements in both Abrams Star Trek movies that made stories in TOS and TOS movies (as well as some of the other Star Trek series) sure to not happen in the new Abrams reality and some of the characters were acting very out of character since Trek fans know them like they were members of the family.

The problem is that Star Wars fans have been feasting on material that is now going to be thrown out and we will now have a new Star Wars reality, if the story is good and the characters true to the originals it may stand a chance of being good but if the story changes the original characters in ways the fans disapprove of it's not going to be well received by the traditionally minded.

Comment Re:No. Absolutely not. (Score 5, Informative) 113

Unless the unit was damaged, modified or some grey market edition I don't know that they have a legal leg to stand on, you can file a complaint with the state attorneys generals office allege fraud for failing to honor the warranty. It also depends on what state you're in i.e. "Void where prohibited" since some states have stronger consumer protection laws than others and some of the warranty terms may not apply to you.

Why did they deny your request for a warranty replacement?

Comment Re:Why do people put up with this shit? (Score 1) 164

You've got me, I've been warning my customers that Cloud services could be prone to outages like anything else.

I really hope that someone comes along and offers them some old style competition but IMHO the likelihood of that happening is slim to none. Adobe just has too much of a head start and no startup could compete with them out of the gate.

Comment As I see It..... (Score 1) 179

Support is not over, I believe I read that the UK government is paying in excess of 55million or more for XP support and then the Dutch government is doing the same. If Microsoft is being paid by multiple government entities to continue to provide patches and updates for XP why not give the general public the benefit of those patches as well? I realize that the most likely answer to that is why should they when what they want is everyone still using XP to go out and buy a shiny new Windows 8/8.1 PC. But at the very least, a case could be made that the citizens of those governments paying for extended support should be able to download and install those patches since their tax dollars are paying for them. I also doubt very much that the patch Microsoft is releasing was made solely for the benefit of all users, they probably already had it done for the UK and Dutch governments (who as I said paid for it) and just decided to release it to the general public.

Comment Just so much wrong here.... (Score 1) 170

Like the other article yesterday about net neutrality, this just goes to show people that in the end big company's like Verizon can just buy anything they want and make the regulators and politicians dance to their tune and it's the general public that gets the short end at every turn and the regulators who are supposed to protect the interests of the people are not doing their jobs.

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