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PlayStation (Games)

Submission + - Tigers Pitching Ace Was Sidelined by Guitar Hero

theodp writes: "Turns out that the three games of the American League Championship Series missed by Detroit Tigers' flame-throwing pitcher Joel Zumaya were due to a Guitar Hero video game injury. When the 22-year-old rookie went to the Tigers Training staff about inflammation in his wrist and forearm, they found his pain more consistent with a guitar player than a baseball pitcher. The team asked him to lay off the Guitar Hero, and Zumaya went on to pitch pain-free in the World Series."

Submission + - The 10 most dangerous play things of all time...

Ant writes: "This Radar article lists the ten most dangerous play things/toys of all time, those treasured playthings that drew blood, chewed digits, took out eyes, and, in one case, actually irradiated. To keep things interesting, the editors excluded BB guns, slingshots, throwing stars, and anything else actually intended to inflict harm... Seen on Blue's News."

Submission + - Wii! Where'd my controller go?

toxcspdrmn writes: The BBC is reporting that Nintendo is replacing straps for its Wii console, following customer complaints that the straps are breaking during use, resulting in the Wiimote flying out of users' hands and through TVs and windows. New units will come with an "enhanced" strap.

Journal Journal: Ahh the sweet sweet taste of bacon 9

It is taking me something like ten minutes to chew and swallow each bite, but damn it tastes good. And throat scratchin' toast, ahhhhh. I am so sick of popsicles, jello, and broth. And they weren't kidding about drinking after this operation; it is so bad I am thinking I should just suck liquids through my nose with a straw (since the liquids come back up and out my nose anyway when I drink by mouth). Frozen stuff seems to go down best.

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