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Submission + - Planet could harbor Life

BlueMorpho writes: "Planet of Promise: Small, Rocky World Could Harbor Life

For the first time, astronomers have discovered a planet far, far away that might be similar to Earth. This distant world, which pirouettes around a dim bulb of a star with the unglamorous name Gliese 581, may possibly sport a landscape that would be vaguely familiar to us — a panorama of liquid oceans and drifting continents. If so, there's the chance that it's a home to life — perhaps even advanced life.

http://www.space.com/searchforlife/070517_seti_pla net.html"

Submission + - Hundreds Click on 'Click Here to Get Infected' Ad

slashthedot writes: "In an example of how people will click anything with no security concerns, 409 people clicked on an ad that offers infection for those with virus-free PCs. It was an experiment so they were not affected. The ad, run by a person who identifies himself as security professional Didier Stevens, reads like this:

Drive-By Download
Is your PC virus-free?
Get it infected here!

Stevens has posted a video of Google showing his ad on YouTube at:

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