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Comment Re:Frist to get jailbroken... (Score 1) 312

On iOS in order to update any of the apps Apple must release a full package (600MB+) and you must connect it to a computer and sync to receive these updates

This certainly *was* true, but iOS 5 will update using deltas (incremental updates), and without any requirement to ever link to a computer - it can be set up and run completely standalone. This addition is late to the party, and likely only available because of the competitors, but it is a moot point now (sorry).

Comment Re:Firesheep? (Score 1) 49

It closes the hole where the unencrypted *password* can be discovered, leading to not only that one session being compromised, but other sessions being compromisable too.

It's not *perfectly* good to only encrypt the login request, but it's certainly a lot better than "not much good". Security is all about layers, remember. Like an onion.

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