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Comment Re:Impermanence of Sacrifice Bores Me (Score 1) 201

I was really excited for the sequel to Wall Street. But it was a shithole.

Gordon Gekko steals from his daughter, she disowns him, he turns that money into a trillion fucking dollars....donates an insignificant amount of that money to some bullshit cause, and they all make up....right at the end of the movie.

It felt so 'tacked on' and pointless. Let the man be an asshole, that's why Michael Douglas won an academy award in the first one. He was heartless, and the plot wasn't so jarring. It didn't even make sense when the curtains closed.

Comment Re:Useful for audiophile pirates, though (Score 0) 391

You haven't burst my bubble either.

If you can't tell the difference between CD/SACD, it doesn't matter to me.
SACD Has more resolution. That is a fact. Whether you can hear it or not is your argument, but that isn't the same as two identical ethernet cables.

Your example of the Denon Ethernet Cable would be more akin to a regular CD, and that exact same CD imprinted on Gold.

Comment Re:Useful for audiophile pirates, though (Score 1) 391

CDs do not have enough bandwidth to provide surround-sound for starters, which is a pretty surreal experience listening to a SACD that is put together well.
there are plenty of other reasonable/logical reasons to go with SACD, like increased resolution, reduced noise, higher fidelity and dynamic ranges...it isn't just a blind raping like Monster HDMI cables or being trapped by a special power adapter on your phone.

Comment Re:Useful for audiophile pirates, though (Score 1) 391

If your hearing is better than that, you're probably a dog.

according to who?

did you perform those scientific studies? or are you referring to the ones possibly financed by Sony?

there's a reason they started working on the Super Audio CD

there's fidelity and dynamic range and all sorts of other stuff that KILO hertz can't keep up with. Sorry to burst your bubble...single static sounds might be reproduced just fine on a CD, but buddy it ain't perfect!

Comment Re:Useful for audiophile pirates, though (Score 1) 391

a CD isn't lossless. It peaks at a crappy 44khz and some other numbers. anything digital is broken down into a set of 1's and 0's which eventually, if zoomed in enough, looks like big lego blocks and is missing the smooth curves of reality.

Saying 'lossless' is akin to saying something is 'infinite'.

If you can quickly pick out the difference between 256kbps and 320kbps, I feel bad for you, it'd be a curse because everything would sound shitty. But lossless? comeon, just like Unlimited internet, eh Comcast... nothing in the universe is unlimited, and nothing digital can be 'lossless'.

Comment Re:Cyber intrusions (Score 1) 219

I disagree. Etymology is always past-looking, its a neat concept to tract the evolution of speech, but is inappropriately used for 'coining a phrase'. The first use of a word is what makes it unique and new. The word 'finger' is not 30,000 years old, as English was not around back then...even if there was a grunt or motion to indicate the concept. The concept of a 'system the governs the body' has been around since Galen, circa 160 AD.

I like this date better.

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