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Comment Re:Really? WinME? (Score 0) 430

I have helped SEVERAL old ladies who ran WinME. And then asked me to fix their "computer problems"
I simply upgraded them to a "corporate copy" of Win2000, which alas is now ending its life-cycle.
I suggest you do the same - if you can find a W2K "corporate copy".
If MS ever wants to sue you for replacing WinME with an illegal W2K, well grrr...
YOU will fight it to the supreme court!! And will help you! And your lawyer.
No one. NO ONE! In his right mind shd be running WinME when W2K SP4 is still available (even if you hafta buy it from a Hong-Kong basement) !
I'm currently running Win7-7100 ultimate and I guess will soon have to bite the bullet.
Aside from my old W2K/ apache on an older PC. Listen: Win2K RULES! And lives forever!! (providing you have Firefox)

Comment Re:Really? Yeah REALLY (Score 0) 430

Son, ya got a lot to learn.
You sound lake a linux-weenie, kid.
I run a "sweet-spot" desktop that was home-built a coupla years ago. And I installed the 1st Win-7 on it more than a year ago.
Heh-heh. It was sweet-spot 2 years ago.. but-
It's an AMD-64 now running 7100 ultimate. On only 2 Gig
And is fast, according to my nerdy gamer sons, whose time should be better spent writing their theses, instead of this nonsense about Warcraft and other silly stuff.
Looks like I'll hafta bite the bullet in the next coupla months and pay out - what? $250+ for Ultimate? I NEED them bitlboncker and other features, sonny!
Either that, or spend more time in my Ubuntu partition...

Hey, ya got a job kid?
If'n ya don't .. we need some PHP / SQL / Apache experience - golly it's Linux too! You lucked in!

Comment Re:Who cares? Not you, stupid... (Score 0) 418

Perhaps. I remember, back in the 50s, 60s Canada had (sort of) the fastest fighter in the world. All home built.
But- not only that, they had the biggest, most powerful jet engine to power it- As a test-bed, they strapped it to the side of a US B-47 bomber where it perfomed pretty well.

But soon economics (and perhaps US interference) got in the way- the whole project was canceled, the engineers packed their bags and went south to work on the Apollo project.
Now Canada is slowly reverting to our rightful place as Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water... as the US chuckles. (well, the US isn't chuckling much now)
Oh well.. we still have our universal medicare. For the time being.

Comment Re:Who cares? Not you, stupid... (Score 0) 418

They've had high quality imported aircraft for almost two decades now and they can't make anything themselves that compares to a 4.5 generation fighter.

Yeah, just like all that cheap Jap shit. Who in his right mind would buy one of them cheap Toyatos or Hondas, when he could buy a real AMERICAN CAR! With AMERICAN engineering!
Let's face it: G.M. RULES!
Sucker, how much ya wanna bet Chinese electric cars wil be sold in the US in 4-5 years? Ask Wannen Buffett.
China and India are already building their own fighters, nuclear subs AND aircraft carriers..
Man, some of you American dinosaurs never change...


Old Stems Cells Young Again — Via Vampirism 109

pdragon04 writes to tell us that in recent tests a Howard Hughes Medical Institute team has found that through exposure to "young" blood cells, bone marrow stem cells start to act young again as well. "The researchers have not yet isolated the blood-borne factors that can switch old stem cells back to a more youthful state, but their results are consistent with other recent studies that show stem-cell aging may be reversible. Together those results suggest that it might one day be possible to boost the practical lifespan of stem cells, and thereby increase the body’s resistance to disease and age-related degeneration."

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