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Comment Re:Neither (Score 1) 436

Same here. I don’t really care about what blocking ads encourage site operators to do, but if a website have too many ads or too intrusive ones, I just stop using it.

Same reason I refuse to play games with intrusive drms, instead of pirating it. If a company doesn’t respect me as their customer, I am no longer their customer.

Comment I use my own reader (Score 1) 132

Following the end of Google reader, I built a custom web based replacement.
It uses drupal, with the feeds module to import the content, flags to tag it, ans custom views for display.
Dit works well for me, but as I stopped working on it it lacks essential features so I never opened it to anyone else (for exemple, there is no link to view all articles from a feed. When I need to, I change a 'new' to 'All' un thé URL.)

Comment Re:You know... (Score 1) 403

Also, anyone who compares Ewoks and Jar-Jar is a moron. The Ewoks actually fought, using old but useful weapons to help defeat the imperial forces. Jar-Jar was running away like a coward and accidentally destroyed an invading force in the process. Both character types aimed at kids? Sure. But they were nothing alike.

And the Ewoks ate the stormtroopers they killed. They're like gremlinses in mogwai costumes.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 277

To be useful, the system still needs to be able to tell whether a single user password is correct (and needs to do so reasonably efficiently). So if someone has a 6 character password (which is dumb) you can just try all possible passwords (there isn't that many possible 6 realistic character passwords). Either lots of them work (which would a problem) or you found the password.

No, as I understand it from the article, you can't tell if a single user password is correct, because you don't have a measure for "correct"-- all that you check whether that password points to the same place (in a multidimensional phase space) that other passwords project to. (It does seems to only work is you can assuming that all, or at least "most," of the other passwords people enter are correct).

So... how do you know if a user can log in? You have to wait until a bunch of users want to log in simultaneously?

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