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Comment Re:The new Wii U update yesterday... (Score 1) 435

so it can check in too see if any updates are available without drawing much power

Depends on what you call "much power": it uses about 10W in "online" standby mode. That might not seem like a lot, but it draws that 24 hours a day, so it adds up over the years.

My Wireless router draws 15W (24/7), so IMO 10W for the Wii's Standby isn't bad.

Comment Re:Steambox (Score 1) 435

Maybe one day (pipe dream), Steam will set up an e-Used Game Market that Steam users could buy, sell, and trade games around with. I have no idea how legal it would be for them to do that (i.e. certain publishers might not like it, be able to stop it, etc.), but it would certainly alleviate a lot of concerns.

Actually I'd just love to have concurrent (account) logins. Like, if I want to play L4D2 but my son wants to play Sonic... let that shit happen. I'm good with locking it to "only 1 copy of a game at a time", but at least let me "Share" use of the account over my local lan.

Comment Almost not at all. (Score 1) 317

I figured (As I don't live in or near Boston) there wasn't going to be much worth listening too until there were actual suspects and factual / confirmed information being released. There were WAAAAY too many false reports / misreports going on that I probably have a more accurate picture of what happened (since I skipped a week of speculative reporting) than those who followed it obsessively.

Comment Re:800,000 Applications (Score 1) 305

Even the excellent Deus Ex where I absolutely took my time to finish it yielded only about 30 hrs of game time. When I look through my Steam library I find any game that I have finished has about the same play time on it as Bastion. I've stopped buying AAA games. They are not good value for money and I will rather pick them up in a sale together with all DLC if at all.

Agreed. You can pick up great AAA titles for $5 or less if you wait long enough. Rather than buying the new Tomb Raider, I picked up 3 old-ish ones (Legend, Anniversary & Underworld) for $2.50 each. A good game is still a good game a few years later, it isn't produce, you don't need to consume it the 1st week it's available.

Comment I never understood the point of ChromeOS... (Score 2) 216

I'll be honest, I never understood why Google keeps pushing ChromeOS. The 2 devices where "It needs to be connected to a network in order to be useful at all" (Phone and TV) they decided to go with Android so really why bother ? It's like someone high up in Google is stuck in the 1970's/ 80's mainframe mentality where client hardware is weak and expensive and connectivity to the server is cheap, when in fact we live in the opposite world of that.

Comment Re:dem Economics (Score 1) 255

Without some very clever thinking(or a greater acceptance among tablet users of peripherals), that is going to be a brutal UI problem...

Even between PC and console, which are practically cousins in the 'lots of buttons and a pointing device' family of interface devices, you can smell a console port a mile away because of how wrong its interface feels.... UI arrangements that use a tablet as a second screen for various purposes; but building a control scheme that ports between a console or a PC and a tablet would be quite a feat.

Or you can just make a fully functional/ independent Android version of the Wii U Tablet. If it ran Steam and cloud synced then it could really be awesome. It doesn't have to run high end games to be valuable either. If anything CAN run on a tablet / netbook and has a Steam version of it, this would be a very attractive device.

Comment Re:Hope the Auth Servers are Running! (Score 1) 271

My house connection can't handle the retarded protocols with 8 computers going at it even with a 75mbit connection just due to the latency increases. My internal LAN doesn't even bat an eyelash at it though.

This is silly. I have a variable (cable) 10-20mbps connection and have often had 5 players playing starcraft 2 without any issues. Likely you have something wrong with your router or some other part of your infrastructure.

and here I am with a rural house that caps at 3mbps down and 256k up... I also enjoy LAN parties and have a Gigabit switch in my house, so SC2 was never a consideration, but SC1 still gets a crap-ton of play.

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