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Comment Re:Hahaha, what (Score 1) 1060

It doesn't matter *his* nationality. He's afforded no special favours just because he's from Australia, we have no particular agreements with Australia except for the standard ones - an EU citizen would have twice as many rights, for instance.

For real? I vote Australia leaves the Commonwealth for the EU now!

Comment PS4? (Score 1) 422

Why would Sony introduce a PS4 while the PS2 is still selling? For crying out loud, GT5 only just came out! That would have to mean GT6 would be a "launch" title for the PS4 (e.g. 4 years after launch).

At the moment, the PS3 is the one console that is yet to be pushed to its limits. The other two are very close already, with little room to improve.

I actually think the end of a generation is where the best games are released: Metal Gear Solid 3, God of War I & II. It seems a shame to drop an entire knowledge-base and shift to a new platform (as we all knkow Sony would do). Then it would take another 4 years before the machine's limits could be properly exploited.

So, what we need right now is a "0.5" generation, all new fully backward-compatible machines, but with extra horsepower to keep up with PC hardware. But it seems Nintendo is the only one concerned with compatibility.

Comment Re:I suspect he may be misleading the public (Score 1) 303

Good point on the R&D angle.

Does anyone here think that the Move and Kinect would *ever* have existed if it were not for these facts:

1. Someone else already did it.
2. It was proven to be outrageously popular year after year after year.

Does anyone here think that Sony's PSP2 would have been 3D *with no glasses needed*? Do we really think they could have dreamed that up?

With all this talk about revolutionary vs evolutionary, no-one but Nintendo has ever done revolution. Analogue control, dual-screen, touchscreen - a host of firsts. PS2, Dreamcast, XBox - they were all incremental upgrades to the previous gen. Even the first jump to 3D was pre-empted by Starfox and Stunt Race FX.

3DS is going to own, let's be honest. It seems to have better graphics than the Wii, so Nintendo is going to focus on that product for a while. Also, be assured that Wii 2 won't launch without a new innovation that Nintendo will be proud to announce.

Nintendo didn't compete with Sony and MS - they created their own market for the Wii. Now, Move and Kinect are vying for that market - Sony and MS are admitting that said market is valuable enough to compete for.

Comment Re:LOTR (Score 1) 295

"Impossible" camera shots withstanding, Peter Jackson explains (in the documentaries) his excitement at being able to physically carry a virtual camera in scenes such as Balin's Tomb. He walks around with a camera wearing a VR headset and turns a CGI-infested scene into one grounded in real-world mechanics and limitations.

Comment Re:All the wrong reason (Score 1) 443

One day Steam will go dark...

You can spend years worrying about what 'might' happen, or you can spend years enjoying what you can do right now. Don't spend more than $10 on a Steam game. That way, when Steam goes sentient in 2025 and locks us all out (so it can play with itself), you will still have enjoyed 15 years of gaming pleasure for that small sum. How many years of entertainment do you think you should get from $10?

Comment Re:Structural Unemployment for Middle Men (Score 2, Informative) 443

I've yet to see the value added proposition that Steam brings to New Vegas.

New Vegas brings value to Steam. Never the other way around. This applies to all Steam games.

You're a bit of a special case: someone who does not yet have Steam and bought a game that requires it. We all went through this back with Half-Life 2.

Nowadays, Steam is pervasive enough to require it.

Just think, though: if you ever lose your install discs, you will still be able to download it legitimately, and off a reasonably fast server.

Disclosure: I've accumulated a large library of PC games via Steam sales. Set your limit to $10 and you will amass a similarly huge collection of games. Here's a quick list of games I've bought on sale, and not yet had time to play properly (because of all the other Steam games I'm playing at the moment): Bioshock, SW:KOTOR, Street Fighter IV, Monkey Island, Mass Effect, Company of Heroes Opposing Fronts, L4D2, SW Empire at War,Deus Ex 2,Psychonauts, Stalker and the list goes on and on.

My point is, Steam can be a very low cost form of obtaining a lot of big-name games if you wait for the sales.

Comment Re:Oracle is what Oracle has always been (Score 2, Insightful) 160

One guy told us (unconfirmed personally, but I have no reason to doubt it) that at Oracle, if you weren't in a position to replace your boss after the first year, your career there was basically over. Ellison calls this 'samurai management' or some such nonsense, but I call it bad business.

I'd call it "Sith Management".

Comment I bought one ... (Score 1) 535

I bought one a few weeks ago. (It comes with a free Blu-Ray, 2 extra glasses and a movie, see )

Folks in the USA may be surprised to hear I'm located in Australia, and in a regional area that doesn't even do 3D broadcasts (since we're all behind the times down under). So why would I buy such a TV?

Ironically, I decided it was the TV I wanted despite the fact that it had no '3D' branding whatsoever in the store, and the sales guy didn't mention it. The reason I chose that model (58" Plasma) was value for money (size, picture quality, wireless, MKV support).

Here in Aus, non-3D TVs are slowly being phased out - you almost can't buy a TV over 55 inches without it. So basically we're being railroaded into buying 3D, despite the fact that the majority of 3D content is only available on Blu-Ray.

Oh, and I was really surprised to see how good DVD looks, especially with motion-smoothing turned on.

I was a little bummed at the thought of re-buying my only-just-purchased copies of Star Wars, Indiana Jones etc DVDs in Blu-Ray - but I have to say that the picture quality is much, much better than just "good enough"; I'm sure your average punter wouldn't even be able to tell the difference.

Don't get me wrong - I was sold on the TV's ability to push 1080p (Sintel looks incredible on it) but it's not enough to make me re-buy my DVD library.

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