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Comment Re:Thats faith not physics (Score 1) 518

Quantum Mechanics is like the scientology of physics. Clearly disprovable with simple thought experiments

So you don't believe that LEDs and semiconductors actually work? How exactly are you posting to this forum if you don't believe that microprocessors actually work?

Hint: these devices are only currently explainable using quantum mechanics.

Comment Re: Looking more and more likely all the time... (Score 1) 518

When are you disciples of the religion of atheism going to admit you and the fundies are looking at opposite sides of the same coin? You're both passionate, and you're both intolerant and outspoken. Only difference is you both believe you're correct in different ways.

That depends on your definition of "atheism". The word literally means "without religion" (a + theism), so it can both be applied to people who passionately don't believe in theology, and people who simply don't know and don't adhere to any religion.

Of course, we tend to call the latter "agnostics" these days, but many of them also call themselves "atheists".

Comment Re:Unenforceable (Score 1) 204

perhaps you could also lock down the picture capability too by interfering with interlacing and/or refresh rates somehow.

Interlacing? Refresh rates? This is 2015, those things don't apply any more: everyone has LCD now. Software has no real control over the display.

We have some standards documents which must be purchased. In order to prevent copyright theft, the distributor of the PDF files requires software on your computer which will actively disable the native clipboard and screenshot capabilities while the PDF is open. In addition, the software will look for common screenshot software like snagit and greenshot and force them to close before you can launch the PDF.

This sounds like malware to me.

Comment Re:How soon until x86 is dropped? (Score 1) 152

Sounds like a missed opportunity for open-source: the hardware companies making Cell should have invested in compiler engineers to make really good compilers for It (or just add onto gcc), and open-source all the work. Then lots of people would have wanted to use Cell processors because of the performance.

Making a nice product, and then making closed, proprietary tools that are needed to best use that product, isn't a winning business strategy. Give away the tools free so people are interested in trying out and using your product, and then it gets designed into high-volume parts.

Comment Re:And this is why I dont have a 500 abarth. (Score 1) 83

Aftermarket paint jobs, on the other hand, I have never seen a good looking aftermarket paintjob on a Honda.

That probably has to do with the owners of those cars. If you did see a good-looking aftermarket paintjob, would you even know? Would you be able to tell it wasn't a factory job?

I had an Integra years ago that got hit in the door, and so insurance paid for a new door skin and repainting (which covered the door and the surrounding portions). That paint looked great until I sold the car. But this wasn't an obvious paint job since it was a factory color.

Comment Re:Sounds impressive, but is it? (Score 2) 83

Did they direct the Engineers to design faulty suspension?

Management is *always* at fault, any time there's a problem. That's why they're called "management"; if they can't properly manage, they should get another job, like janitorial work. Engineers are employees, and just do what they're told, under threat of losing their job. So yes, management did direct the engineers to design a faulty suspension, one way or another, either by demanding that it be cheap, that it be done too quickly, that important analysis steps be skipped in the interest of time and cost, that safety testing not be done because of time and cost, etc.

The final quality of the product is up to management, whether it's suspension safety or wireless security. It's their job to make sure the engineering is done properly, and if they're not competent to judge that (and their employees aren't either), it's their job to hire consultants to help them with it.

Comment Re:Unenforceable (Score 5, Informative) 204

It's only enforceable because it isn't email.

All this stupid thing is, is a system where the recipient gets a link to click on, which lets them go view the "email" (message) on some server somewhere, subject to a bunch of restrictions. I think there's also a browser plugin that basically does the same thing, but making it appear more like you're reading an email instead of just being redirected to some server.

This isn't email in the traditional SMTP sense.

Of course, it still is impossible for them to prevent you copying it somehow, even if you have to resort to screen capture.

Comment Re:Yawn ... Why mobile? (Score 3, Informative) 44

This isn't the same KDE that runs on your desktop, this is a different version made for mobile platforms. Some of the underlying code (the "framework") is the same, but the UI is different. KDE is the only group out there, it seems, that thinks we should have different interfaces on different devices.

Comment Re:mobile needs *something*. (Score 2) 44

Android - Huge app ecosystem, but a non-starter for anyone who doesn't consider it acceptable for mass scale harvesting of personal data by an advertising company. It's a "half open" platform, but the app ecosystem is a clusterfuck of crapware.

The crapware really isn't a problem. No one is forcing you to install crapware on your phone from the app store (undeletable crapware pre-loaded by the carrier and mfgr is another matter). If you're picky about what apps you install, you shouldn't have a problem. It's really no different from Windows that way: there's all kinds of crapware out there, but no one is forcing you to install, say, McAfee or PeopleSoft or some random toolbar on your Windows PC. Just stick to Firefox and MS or LibreOffice and you'll be fine. Now the danger of platforms like this is that you can easily install crapware, and you have to be a bit savvy and not completely naive and trusting that everything out there is OK. With (relative) freedom comes responsibility. So if you're a gullible fool, then you better stick with iOS and Apple iDevices, so that Apple can hold your hand and make sure you don't do anything you're not supposed to.

Unfortunately, you're right about the mass harvesting of personal data part. This (and Apple's approach too) is a consequence of having a non-open platform, where you don't have access to the source code, nor can you easily change the software. Whoever controls the platform can do whatever they want with it. With Google, they mass-harvest personal data. With Apple, they control everything you do. With MS, they give you a shitty, broken UI.

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