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Comment I was annoyed enough to write... (Score 1) 325

one of the first online multiplayer RPGs, Neverwinter Nights, which introduced many of the developer and user behaviors, such as custom guilds

I was annoyed by this statement enough to write that text-based MUDs (Multi-User dungeons) were doing massive multiplayer RPGs long before Neverwinter nights.. and they had customizable guilds as well!
If you're going to write an article about unsung game heroes at least sing about the actual heroes!

Comment Re:Racist? (Score 1) 783

[Citation needed] It is underhanded of you to cherry-pick definitions to support only your argument
Webster Dictionary describes it as:
2) racial prejudice or discrimination (a.k.a "the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually")
So now that we have citations and more definitions.. it is clear that not allowing a monkey picture of someone because of their race is clearly discriminating by a category (their race) instead of on their personal merit of resembling a monkey.
You are supporting a racist argument. You really are. You think you're doing the right thing, but you're merely perpetuating stereotypes.

Comment Re:Racist? (Score 1) 783

If you're going to call someone daft.. you'd better make sure you make sense.
Racism is to treat someone differently because of their race.. and to specifically not compare someone to a monkey because of their race is as equally racist as to compare someone to a monkey because of their race.
You're too blind (or is it myopic?) to see that you are in fact being racist. Think about it for a second next time.

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