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Comment Re:Cui bono? (Score 2) 412

Well, something tells me this is in response to legal activity. There are surely going to be new laws, probably not ones specifically in response to hacking activity, but others that allow various governments all sorts of access to records to track down hackers.

The idealist in me wants to believe that we could also get more laws passed holding corporations more accountable for lax security.

Comment Content Management (Score 4, Insightful) 545

If you look at the solutions for "editing" sites that scale, ultimately you'll find that what you're really looking for isn't a better visual editor, but rather a content management platform.

WordPress has a pretty decent track record for longevity, but there are plenty of other options out there as well.

Comment Too bad Safari still crashes (Score 1) 346

Put it on an ipad hoping that it would fix the crashing issues with Safari & the search in page feature... nope, still crashes!

Amazingly easy to reproduce, too... just open a page with a large amount of text (i.e. a 500KB faq from gamefaqs), enter text in the search bar, click find in page, safari crashes after a slight delay.

Comment Box office data shows PG R for profit (Score 2) 316

Looking at some data for box office revenues, it looks like PG movies are actually the most profitable segment of the market.

Most years in recent history show a ratio of 1 PG-rated movie being released to every R-rated movie, yet the percentages of total gross have remained close to one another in recent history:

Comment Alternative Calculation in some states (Score 1) 377

Here in Michigan (and presumably elsewhere as well), there's an alternative calculation for "use tax" that you can enter in that's based on your income.

Since you're only obligated to pay the lesser of the two amounts, if you order a large amount online it's often in your best interest to just go with the calculation and forget about trying to keep track of purchases.

(In most years, I think I've wound up paying $50-60 or so with the default amount.)

Comment Kinect's beginings included hacking Wii hardware (Score 1) 262

When you look back to Kinect's beginnings, this news is somewhat more interesting in the light that the original "Project Natal" team that came up with it included Johnny Chung Lee (noted for Wii-mote hacks he did at Carnegie Mellon before working for Microsoft):

If I were MS, Sony, or Nintendo, I'd be paying close attention to people in the community that start doing interesting things with this and put them on my short-list for recruiting people to develop next-generation hardware.

Comment How is mass-texting counted? (Score 1) 468

How are mass-texts counted? If the study is counting texts sent to multiple people as multiple texts (as most US carriers charge for them on non-unlimited plans), the numbers seem a whole lot smaller.

i.e.: Something like "Do you want to come with me to lunch?" sent to 10 friends now becomes 10 messages sent and 5 messages received.

Depending on the size of kids' social circles, 10-15 group texts could easily get them up to the 100-200 message mark.

Comment Property destruction or not? (Score 1) 105

The article seems a little unclear as to whether or not destruction of files really took place.

On the one hand, it says that the files in question could not be recovered from the users' systems since they were overwritten.

On the other hand, it says that they were uploaded to a central server.

So were they "destroyed" or not?

Comment Food Analogy (Score 2, Funny) 149

Think of it like this:

System that is never intended to be secure: plastic apple with a warning label stating "THIS IS NOT FOOD"

System that should be secure, but isn't: apple full of worms

You're not going to have a good experience biting into either apple, but there's definitely a difference in the expectations that someone would have when looking at them.

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