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Comment Re:Hard to believe (Score 1) 804

The service aspect is not all positive.. With a vendor built, a component failure means a 2 week minimum turnaround where you're out of a machine. If you've built it yourself it's an overnighted part and you're up and running again...and if you're crazy desperate, a drive to frys/microcenter.

I've had Apple machines shipped halfway across the US to Texas and back with a new motherboard in 2-3 days. Just saying, for reality's sake.

Comment Re:New OSX 10.6.7 update (Score 1) 501

Yes, it fixed mine. I bought a new MBP 15" (2.3 quad i7) on Sunday, saw this thread that evening, and was able to easily dupe the issue over and over. Today the 10.6.7 update came out and I have not been able to duplicate the freeze. It's fixed, works great, problem solved.

10.6.7 == FIXED FIXED FIXED. (for those skimming :)

Comment Re:Charlie Wilson's War II (Score 1) 189

Ahmadinejad didn't say either of these things. Seriously, look it up.

The translation presented by the official Islamic Republic News Agency has been challenged by Arash Norouzi, who says the statement "wiped off the map" was never made and that Ahmadinejad did not refer to the nation or land mass of Israel, but to the "regime occupying Jerusalem". Norouzi translated the original Persian to English, with the result, "the Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time."[11] Juan Cole, a University of Michigan Professor of Modern Middle East and South Asian History, agrees that Ahmadinejad's statement should be translated as, "the Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e eshghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from] the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad).[12] According to Cole, "Ahmadinejad did not say he was going to 'wipe Israel off the map' because no such idiom exists in Persian." Instead, "he did say he hoped its regime, i.e., a Jewish-Zionist state occupying Jerusalem, would collapse."

That's a far, far cry from declaring your military intent to destroy Israel. And in case someone points out I omitted MEMRI's translation of this, I did so because they were founded by ex-Mossad, ie biased.

Comment Re:"IDF’s Military Intelligence Unit 8200" (Score 1) 189

Ahmadinejad didn't say either of these things. Seriously, look it up.

The translation presented by the official Islamic Republic News Agency has been challenged by Arash Norouzi, who says the statement "wiped off the map" was never made and that Ahmadinejad did not refer to the nation or land mass of Israel, but to the "regime occupying Jerusalem". Norouzi translated the original Persian to English, with the result, "the Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time."[11] Juan Cole, a University of Michigan Professor of Modern Middle East and South Asian History, agrees that Ahmadinejad's statement should be translated as, "the Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e eshghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from] the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad).[12] According to Cole, "Ahmadinejad did not say he was going to 'wipe Israel off the map' because no such idiom exists in Persian." Instead, "he did say he hoped its regime, i.e., a Jewish-Zionist state occupying Jerusalem, would collapse."

(from wikipedia) That's a far, far cry from declaring your military intent to destroy Israel. And in case someone points out I omitted MEMRI's translation of this, I did so because they were founded by ex-Mossad, ie biased.

Comment Re:FIFTY-SIX (Score 1) 197

But the story is not six years old. The diamond is fifty light years away.

"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" is from 1967. The light they saw six years ago was from about 1954.

It pre-dates Lucy by about 13 years.

These people disagree:

Why are Stars Millions of Light Years Away?

Answer: Brendon, what a question! Yes, we know from the dates God gives us in the Bible that He did create the whole universe about 6,000 years ago. When we hear the term light-year, we need to realize it is not a measure of time but a measure of distance, telling us how far away something is. Distant stars and galaxies might be millions of light-years away, but that doesn’t mean that it took millions of years for the light to get here, it just means it is really far away!

When God created the universe, everything was already working perfectly, exactly how He wanted it to work. So, I believe the stars could be seen (however God did that) on earth as soon as God spoke them into existence. Keep enjoying the splendor of the night sky, but remember that God created it to display His glory so we could behold how wonderful and powerful our Creator really is!

Comment Re:Flash works just fine on my iMac and Vista boxe (Score 1) 521

yes, flash runs in its own process now so when it comes crashing down as it is wont to do, it doesn't take the rest of the browser down with it. i thought something had gone wrong with safari for the longest time until apple fixed this. it's bizarre to see something as simple as banner ads taking up 80% of my cpu cycles, then downing the whole plugin on a regular basis. as someone who basically lives in adobe products most of my day, it saddens me to see how buggy their software has become and how little they seem to care about fixing it.

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