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Comment Re:"That's the great thing about evercookie" (Score 1) 332

No, what he is doing is not wrong. What others might do with it may be wrong. Using your logic we should outlaw copiers as they might be used for copyright infringment.

I use web applications that I want to follow me from browser to browser, I want it to know who I am, and I want it to be convenient. Just because you see no positive use cases for this kind of thing doesn't mean anyone using it is using it for nefarious purposes.

I wholey agree that doing this sort of thing without someones consent or permission is wrong. That doesn't mean doing it is wrong.

Comment Re:Cool, now can they make a grammar checker? (Score 1) 119

i think what you meant to say is "...grammar Nazis stating i can not...

I think what you meant to do was CAPITOLIZE the letter i.

I think you meant capitalize.

This kind of recursion could co on forever, the only way to terminate it is to have a grammatically correct response, that is spelled correctly, with correct punctuation etc. and without runon sentences and also following all the correct rues of the queens english etc. etc. etc.

Stop the madness.

Submission + - Flash has Arrived for the iPad (

riegel writes: has developed a technology for taking existing flash and running it with html 5 and javascript.

From their website...

Unless you've been under a rock, you'(TM)re probably familiar with the fact that Adobe Flash doesn’t run on any mobile Apple device. Moreover, it looks like Apple is never going to let Flash onto the iPhone/iPod/iPad empire.


We're putting Smokescreen out there as a preview right now. We look forward to adding support for more of Flash, fix bugs, and improve performance over time. This is just a start.

Comment Re:Google / or Apple ?? (Score 1) 396

You must know there is a difference between Apple pulling something because they don't like it, and getting a legal order to remove an application?

I agree there is a difference, and I agree it is a big difference. I guess my point wasn;t so much that se they do it too but the point that BIG corporations like to hold the keys so to speak.

Comment Google / or Apple ?? (Score 1) 396

"blah...blah... has notified Google/Apple to remove all blah... blah... from Android Market/the App Store. I am one of the developers of blah... blah... I have received an email warning that my blah... was suspended from Android Market/The App Store due to a violation of...

Did this get mixed up I thought Apple and the app store did stuff like this. I thought Google was open, free and...

Comment Re:Better Yet (Score 1) 111

Personally, I think the best solution that would allow all the use-cases I mentioned (most of which are hacks to get around flaws in browsers' Ajax implementations) would be to allow only pages that have been specifically declared to be frame-able to be put in frames.

Exactly. Can anyone think of a reason this would not work?

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