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Comment Oculus rift could very well make people myopic (Score 1) 87

There is a strong correlation between time spent indoors and rates of myopia. It's not just a genetic thing that you need glasses. The only thing that's not clear is whether:
a) eyes' ability to focus on distant objects is atrophying from lack of use, e.g. actually looking at things far away
or b) low light levels indoors or other properties of artificial light are causing damage
My preferred explanation is A - an eye physically changes its focus as you look at objects nearer or further. Being in one configuration all the time only looking at nearby objects basically means a lack of exercise for those muscles and it seems to follow intuitively that they would stop working as well. This kind of stuff is likely really unhealthy and I don't get why no one is talking about that... Our eyes evolved to work *outside*

Submission + - Are Google Glass and Oculus Rift safe for your eyes?

a4r6 writes: It may not be well known that there is more to depth perception than simple parallax (the relative angle between your eyes,) but a single eye has depth perception of it's own. You can test this by covering one eye, then changing focus between your finger and the wall with the other.
While myopia (short-sightedness,) is often linked to genetic factors, there is increasing evidence that being indoors where eyes can only focus on nearby objects leads to myopia. Surging rates of myopia in asia have been linked to an indoor lifestyle.
What, then, does this mean for devices like google glass and the oculus rift, which sit very close to your eyes? Are we really sure these devices are safe for long term use? Could a blurry reality be the cost for a clear view into the virtual world?

Comment I think everyone is missing the point of 4k here. (Score 3) 559

It is not to have 4 times as many things on the screen as a 1080p monitor. It is to have a 2:1 pixel ratio (like all the apple retina displays) or somewhere in-between. Web content, thanks partly to apple pushing high dpi displays, is now often tuned for this, showing you twice as much detail in the same space while keeping the dimensions it would have on a normal dpi display.

Read what anandtech had to say about testing a 4k monitor, and about how nice it is to look at fonts that arent just anti-aliased, but hardly have aliasing to begin with, thanks to the dpi.

I run a 1440p monitor, as it was the most pixels I could reasonably afford, (4K is just too much $) and I scale everything up so it's roughly 1080p sized. I love it for the clarity and sharpness, not for the number of things I can cram on the screen. (Although I do run my font just a little small in my text editor/ide)

There are of course downsides besides the price. Most of the 1440p monitors have poor input latency, meaning your mouse might feel a tiny bit laggy or put you at a slight disadvantage if you're a gamer, compared to lower latency 1080p monitors. That's totally ignoring whether your video card can render smoothly at that resolution. With 4K I'm not sure but I suspect it's the same or worse.

Comment And what of these $20 9W LEDs I've been using? (Score 1) 743

Yeah, there are many cheaper ones already out there... I ordered several "G7 Power" chinese 9w LED bulbs, easily brighter than the 65w incandescent floods they replaced. Look them up on amazon. They are cool to the touch and very bright, and have a "lifetime guarantee". Why have these things not gotten more press?? Are they doomed to fail in a short amount of time?

Submission + - Solid State Battery Demonstrated by Toyota (

a4r6 writes: With all the research being done on improved battery technology, and lots of big promises about what we might see in 5-10 years, it's good to see some honest progress happening in the industry. Toyota has recently demonstrated an all-solid-state battery which can operate at temperatures up to 100 degrees Celcius, potentially eliminating the need for costly cooling systems in automotive battery packs.

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