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Comment Re:Good for pre-teens, but not older (Score 3, Insightful) 607

If you think 13 is a magic age where children suddenly deserve privacy of their whereabouts, heck no.

That privilege is @ the parents' discretion. Usually people under age 17 must at all times tell their parents where exactly they are going, at what times. Typically parents just have to believe them, because it would be too inconvenient to have them watched at every moment, and well-behaved teens don't need it.

Why would people under the age of 17 have to have little locational privacy? Personally when I was 13-ish I simply stopped telling my parents where I am, usually through either flat out lying or through giving nonspecific information, simply felt I didn't want them quite knowing where I am. Besides, if there was any sort of trouble, I always had my cell phone with me so it wasn't like I magically vanished out of sight ... having to know where children are was, imho, important only before the age of mobile communication.

However, nowadays, when I'm 21-ish my parents still keep pestering me about where I am and I _still_ don't tell them. Just goes to show parents never learn, ever.

Comment Re:you are wrong. (Score 1) 508

Hey I'm sexually disgusted by my own gender so clearly I'm not bisexual.

But that still doesn't mean it isn't incredibly useful to study what women like in men. What IS it about Johnny Depp that makes most straight women in the age group I'm after drool and weak at the knees? What can I do to become more like that? What IS it about that women like, can I acquire some of those attributes?

Really, it's not being bisexual, it's showing horrible signs of being a social "scientist" at heart *shudders*

Comment Re:MIT Gaydar should be Facebook app (Score 1) 508

The whole topic of gay and not gay has always been interesting to me because the line of thought is alien to me. I consider myself hyper-straight in the sense that I have been sexually attracted to women since before the age of 4... I always knew I liked looking at women... I liked the way their pants fit :) just didn't actually know why until I was 8 or so. But the notion of seeing men sexually has always been fascinating to me because I stretch my mind and still cannot see it. What do women see in men? I don't know. What do men see in men? I don't know. But as a man of the U.S. I have always believed that being gay was an identity based on what you do. A recent NPR show was discussing being gay in the middle east. There they did not so much identify gay as what you do but as who you are. That's a tough thing to wrap one's mind around... identity not based on what one does. Just about every kind of identity in the U.S. seems wrapped around what one does, what one has or his position.

So given this new mind-twister, the MIT Gaydar makes assumptions based on what? I'd be interested to know. Surely it can't be based on associations alone. If all my friends were black, would that indicate that I am also black? My tendency to burn in the sunlight would tend to disagree with that. I'd be interested to know how MIT defines gay to better understand how it makes determinations.

If you don't know what features women look for in men, how can you make yourself attractive to them? If you don't know the system, how can you game the system to work for you?

Maybe you can't see what's sexually attractive in men, but you'd still recognise an attractive man - every human in the world has the ability to recognise attractive humans regardless of gender.

Now take that consideration and apply attractive==sexy and you know what it's like to be gay. Bravo.

Comment Re:Score (-1) Off-topic (Score -1) 517

Damn SMS and IM is killing all languages all over the planet.

Damned SMS and IM are killing all languages all over the planet.

When you are playing grammar nazi at least do it properly.

Damn in that sentence is clearly a verb and "SMS and IM killing all languages all over the planet" is the verb's object.

Comment Re:No moral fibre (Score 4, Insightful) 401

Fuck. Me. I sometimes wonder what it must be like to be a person with no moral fibre at all. I can't imagine it, must be weird.

My wife's a psychologist and we have discussed such people. The answer to what it's like to be one is depressingly simple. They have no morals to trouble them at all; no conscience, no guilt. They're happy as if they had ethics and compassion.

There are people who are simply not like us; just not the same.

Well to be honest, morals and ethics are just trivial rules communally agrees upon by a society. We find it unethical, perhaps even immoral, to have sex with a 14 year old. But even our own society less than 200 years ago saw nothing unusual in 40 year old men marrying 14 year old girls.

Comment Gaming it for more sex (Score 4, Funny) 176

Are you saying that if I have sex with my girlfriend's friend she'll have more sex with me? Seems like a fairly interesting notion.

What if I have sex with a bunch of my girlfriend's friends, will that make my girlfriend's whole social circle all want to have sex with me at the same time? 'Cause I could totally live with that.

Comment Re:So in theory (Score 4, Insightful) 263

Seriously though, how can you browse the web *without* adblock? I've shoulder surfed people doing it, and I'd rather eat my own hand.

You can't have a problem when you don't know any better.

It's also not a problem if you simply don't browse anywhere there's too many ads. See ads you don't like? Just close the fucking website, it's a worthless piece of shit anyway if it puts ads first and content later.

Comment Re:Not really all that surprising these days (Score 1) 406

with the size of USB drives you can buy for under $20, I would dare to say that the same experiment would probably have the same results over here in the states (at least with cable and DSL). If I strapped just an 8GB USB drive to a pigeon's leg and had it fly the same distance in around an hour, there's no way my internet connection could beat ~8GB/hr, or approximately 18Mbps (if I calculated correctly).

Yes, but over here in the real world (Europe), we can get FTTH cheaply and so many of us are perfectly capable of uploading at 20Mbps if only the other end is capable of doing it. Hell, the only reason it takes so long to download stuff via p2p (somewhat legal stuff like TV episodes in HD) is that there aren't enough uploaders to saturate my connection and so such a download can take up to 30 minutes. A real drag.

Comment Re:Good developers dont have time to take many tes (Score 1) 440

Bullshit. If you want the job, you do whatever the employer asks to prove you have the qualifications. Unless you work is universally known, like John Carmack, or Linus Torvalds, you're never too good to take an entrance exam.

However locally, some of us ARE a bit recognised like that. And those who don't recognise you, or haven't seen any of your work, why would you want to work for them when you can continue doing your own thing and collecting the community's recognition?

Comment Re:in other news... (Score 1) 251

the xIAA are targeting P2P users, so people move away from P2P. what's traffic shaping got to do with it?

All the non-techie people I know continue to use P2P like it was the year 2000. It's only the people who know their oats that use any other services or protocols, and most of those guys switched when Metallica went apeshit at the start of the century.

Nothing changed over the xIAA lawsuits, as far as I can tell.

Or, which is likelier, most peopel just switched to encrypted p2p, which means that even if they know it looks like p2p traffic, they can't sue you over it because it's illegal to prove there was something illegal inside the encrypted traffic.

Problem solved.

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