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Comment Re:This is why I stopped watching TV (Score 1) 244

Productive ? You aim to be productive watching TV ?

I see watching TV as being a hobby/time waster. That's exactly the moment in the day where I do NOT WANT to pressure myself into being productive. The way I see it, unless you're a TV critic or something, I don't understand why would someone want to be productive watching TV ?!

Comment Re:What was it? (Score 1) 451

Judging by his name, he is probably not a native of Quebec. He might have learned french from somewhere else in the world where they speak it, like Algeria (who has been colonized by the french) and then moved to Quebec. This is typical scenario that I have seen myself many times already.

Comment Re:That's ok (Score 2) 261

How does this hurt them more ? The way I see it, it hurts them even less.If nobody buys the game AND nobody pirates it, this is a statement. It's a message that says :"Your DRM sucks and we won't give you our money until you remove it". Otherwise, if too many people pirates the game, it only justifies their use of DRM and may even be used as arguments by lobbyists to have new harsher laws against piracy or ask for government money.

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