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Comment Re:Since when did slashdot become the onion? (Score 1) 84

I was more talking about Activision and EA in terms of companies I hate, microsoft is a given...this is slashdot though. You use a Unix variant at least as a hobby on slashdot if not as your main OS.

My interest is more in pirating music from the MPAA/RIAA I may not listen to a Lot of the crap they put out, however I have personally mailed artists money after pirating their music, they can take the 13$ from me, thats fine. I just have no interest in a middleman getting it.

Comment Re:Since when did slashdot become the onion? (Score 1) 84

Not using something when it is useful becomes a general waste of your time to find an alternative that does exactly what the original did(and in most cases less well.) Not paying for said product does not support said company, but also does not waste time.

Also "fucking for virginity" If you have ever fucked a virgin, I am sure you can concur with me that you aren't missing anything. In general that analogy itself makes utterly no sense in this specific incident.

Comment Re:Since when did slashdot become the onion? (Score 1) 84

Look at the elderly. People who simply did not learn about them are worse with them. I personally pirate quite a bit due to moral dislikes about certain companies decisions(however any game/application i find good/useful I WILL and DO buy. I also Refuse to pirate indie software/games.)

It is far more an educational issue than a money issue, although I won't completely discard money as an issue, It is far more education.

As IT I have removed so many random obvious malware(does bonzibuddy ring a eye twitching bell?), from people who just arent computer literate, not that they cant afford them, they just never cared to learn.

Comment Re:Time to ask some hard questions (Score 1) 53

its called a 0day for a reason. Exploiters dont run around screaming about the new buffer overflow they found.

Look at the browser competitions, you really think they cracked it in about 20 seconds? They had that exploit for MONTHS, all they did was streamline how fast they could do it.

For that matter, it is Not hard to turn off an antivirus or to slightly change the code of an already widely available virus to avoid detection.

Comment Re:Easy way to solve robots taking jobs (Score 1) 540

I do agree, but they were more trying to keep their only son out of jail than giving into his every whim. As I stated earlier, I don't want to go in depth into the situation, because it spans a period of about 6 years. Normally I would go willy wonka and agree with you, however in this specific situation, i can not put the blame on them, just on a bum of a person who will go nowhere in life.

Comment Re:Easy way to solve robots taking jobs (Score 2) 540

I just had one of my friends have a child...he is also quite possibly the dumbest person i know. I perosnally got him at 20 years old out of bed every morning and took him to high school to help his parents who were working 100% of the time to afford to deal with the crap that he put them through(they should ahve kicked him out, but other than that it actually wasnt their fault.).....3 months ago he just had a kid...I am so sorry for that child.

I would revolt FOR people like this getting sterilized. He is going to end up on welfare with my tax dollars from MY hard work paying for him, because he is in no other words baseline mentally retarded. No he has zero mental issues he is just plain STUPID. I don't even know how to respond to anything he says. He called me to tell me he was having a kid and I replied call me when you stop thinking its going to be a puppy and hung up on him.

I couldn't begin to list all the trouble I have gotten him out of, but in the end you can't save people from themselves, I just want to quote that song "only stupid people are breeding" and it is true, he will have 3-4 kids by the time I decide to settle down in my career and have my first and intelligently decide when to bring him/her into the world.

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